Saturday, April 5, 2014


(More pictures below)

Wow what an incredible day out here at the ranch. Guest and volonteers from everywhere. The incredible way that God works in our lives, never ceases to push us on to another day. Several youth groups drop in for a few days to help and learn about trades, life skills, and how the God they are told about is really working right here in our area. As we shared of the many miracles and how God's hand is at work every moment in the ranch life, eyes wide open and hearts built up and hope delivered just the way it is supposed to be. The church is in the process of being moved by a small company wow how blessed we are. 
     Yet in a self fullfilling and prosperous society as ours, where the 85% of our society will likely go to an incredibly horrible hell,  unless we are willing to step out of our comfort zone and start to live out the job God gave and walks us through in his bible apprentiship program. It is hard to believe we truly understand the horror that hell will be. Hmmmm how comfortable and secure do we need to be before we start to reach the lost 85% of our communities. Please this is not a negative thing, it is one of the truest truths we as followers of Jesus Christ have to soon realize or we too will face God's judgement. We are the hope God is sending to them.
     Thank you once again for taking the time to view our blog. Battle River Ranch Camp is a non profit organization that is focused on developing trades, life skills and training opportunities for men and women that are searching and find it difficult to get the opportunities needed to develop a productive and positive life skill. A strong confident man or women of God will impact the darkness in our service industry in many ways.

If you are able to and would like to make a very needed and appreciated donation to this worthy project that is changing lives now and forever right here at home, PLEASE consider making a donation to: CROSSMAN MINISTRIES CORP./BRRC (Battle River Ranch Camp) or visit our website for direct-donating and more information. Thank you very much. We cannot do it alone. Please consider becoming a $25.00 a month donor today. 
"Be a blessing to someone everyday."

Friday, April 4, 2014


So hard to keep up with God's plan, but if we are followers and not fans the road is easier to follow. Now mind you the road can be a bit narrower and the ditch full of weeds but it's like pastor Lyle said over and over just keep your focus on the vision. So that's what we do out here at the ranch, we may not be perfect by a long shot but like most realize we are a new and first of a kind facility that will not ever be perfect but the results have been amazing. Seldom a day goes by without a call about trainee enrollement so that is a good thing. Our greatest need to do with training is finding men and women to mentor and share thier skills with potential tradespeople. As we express often if you feel a call to impact a life just like many who have been blessed with someone who cared enough to do what they could with what they had to place hope and a future into a life seeking. 
     The ranch is also in need of operating funds and if you are able or would like to know more about how you can change lives right here on the bald prairie please give us a call. Often we overlook the real fact that 30% of children born today will be born into a home with one parent. Not a pleasant situation but as the ranch along with your help can come along side with mentors to encourage and by example be the hope God created us to be amazing things happen. When big Jim the plumber gave a 14 year old kid like I was, a job at his plumbing business, it was not just about being a plumber,  it was all about seeing and becoming a man.  I guess that is what a community that cares does, we raise families and carry the hope of a better future for those that will follow in our footsteps. God bless.

Thank you once again for taking the  to view our blog. The Battle River Ranch Camp is a non profit organization that is focused on developing trades, life skills and training opportunities for men and women that are searching and find it difficult to get the opportunities needed to develop a productive and positive life skill. A strong confident man or women of God will impact the darkness in our service industry in many ways.

If you are able to and would like to make a very needed and appreciated donation to this worthy project that is changing lives now and forever right here at home PLEASE consider making a donation to:CROSSMAN MINISTRIES / BRRC, (Battle River Ranch Camp) or visit our web site for directdonating and more information, thank you very much we cannot do it alone. Please consider becoming a $25.00 a month donor today. Thank you so much.
*Be a blessing to someone every day*.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


    Incredible that a girl with her expirience and ambition who has proven herself cannot get the job she would like. No doubt she made some mistakes, but who of us would cast the first stone? And who if us are so self engulfed and self righteous that we would never give a person a second chance or a hand up. If we would only for a moment picture ourselves standing before the almighty God ( which we will do someday soon) and what we have done in our lives to make this world a better place to lighten someone's load using what we have to help another and we are satisfied with it all, than God have mercy as we have not touched the tip of the ice berg when it comes to leading and helping the lost and those Jesus pointed out to us. 85% of your community has never seen Christ at work thru us. 
       Please consider partnering with the the Battle River Ranch as it is a start, but with out your help we cannot help those in need. 
     As Diane and I have traveled to head office of Teen Challenge in Ontario and met with parents and pastors in many communities, we hear the same story told of the many young adults searching for hope and a future. Jobs are scarce, full time work is seldom a possibility. At our national no boarders rally in International Falls Minissota, the members if the Christian Motorcycle Assiciation accept the truth that the church has dropped the ball and our failing society is not the fault of politicians or Governments but we the church must accept responsibility and turn from our wicked ways then God will heal our land. 

Thank you once again for taking the time to view our blog. Battle River Ranch Camp is a non profit organization that is focused on developing trades, life skills and training opportunities for men and women that are searching and find it difficult to get the opportunities needed to develop a productive and positive life skill. A strong confident man or women of God will impact the darkness in our service industry in many ways.

If you are able to and would like to make a very needed and appreciated donation to this worthy project that is changing lives now and forever right here at home, PLEASE consider making a donation to: CROSSMAN MINISTRIES CORP./BRRC (Battle River Ranch Camp) or visit our website for direct-donating and more information. Thank you very much. We cannot do it alone. Please consider becoming a $25.00 a month donor today. 
"Be a blessing to someone everyday."