Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thursday the day of change

Headed bright and early to have coffee with the guys at The Diamond Willow restaurant.  Dennis and Velma were already there and also Mike. It didn't take long and Terry came bouncing in, the guy that's working on our curriculum. He was on his way to The Pas to pick up a load of furniture for his son in law, but he had to stop and let us all know that he hardly slept a wink last night, and not because he ate a late supper, but because he couldn't get the ranch curriculum off his mind.  As I am writing this Terry is at the door and back from his road trip with more ideas about the ranch program.  He feels that we need to go to three level system #1 fist level basics and safety training,  #2 second level would be apprenticeship readiness, #3 would be specific trade readiness and all three would integrate with each other.  I'll have to tell you all more when I understand it better and Terry will need about a month or so to put it all together and than when ever he will come out to Lloyd. and give it to us first hand at one of our board meetings.  We spent some time discussing entrance qualifications an how to determine who would qualify and who not.  Terry also has a lot of information as to tools and equipment identification  and use.  Wow Terry is so full of information and does he ever want to serve the Lord in this area.  Well Diane and I are packing up to leave by noon tomorrow Amanda and Jooli are coming with us and we have a 6 hour drive tomorrow.  We sure do miss our grandkids and are very glad to have pictures to tide us over till we see them again.  Diane and I got to see more of the sights of Snow Lake and we got to go to Jooli's Ti Kwon Do classes.  Looking forward to tomorrows miracles as God provides.  Blessins to you all and good night. 

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