Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday to settle down (maybe)

I was hungry and you fed me,

I was thirsty and you gave me a drink,

I was homeless and you gave me a room,

After a week of constant momentum we are going to wind down. Slept in a bit then up and had great breakfast with Pete of eggs and moose sausage, how do you beat that. As Diane got ready I helped Pete put on his winter tires on hid Dodge truck and then he gave us a ride to pick up our rental car. Another first for this small town couple of kids.
We met Barry with Hope radio and had
A really good interview about the ranch and a chance to get caught up on the latest updated to our families.

Heading to do a but if sight seeing and then off to dinner with friends and then a Robin Mark concert how great is our God.

Truro had a whole lot of huge trees that got so old that they had to be cut down and instead of loosing them completely they carved them into a whole pile of sculptures that are really well done .

Absolutely incredible presence of God as Robin Mark allows the Lord to use him to pour his gentle love into each of us.

Give me the faith that makes the mountains move

The love that seeks and saves souls

When it's all been said and done have I done all I can?

When it's all been said and done did I live my life for you?

Pray for us as tomorrow morning we share an update about the ranch at pastor Lennett's church and then off to Ron and Judy Pregnels for a visit.

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