Sunday, December 16, 2012

Jesus is the reason

Photo's below

As progress continues out here at the ranch everyone can sense the excitement of what lies ahead. There are days when you have to look around and wonder how will this ever get accomplished and completed, but God in his wisdom and provision moves us on.
Just when we think we are running out of materials more arrives from someone that has chosen to listen and obey God's call to contribute in building the kingdom of God.
Right now our greatest material need is flooring, we need ceramic tile and grout and filler to get these floors covered. We believe that God will provide flooring through those he has plans to bless as they help and donate towards accomplishing the ranch vision as a place of hope.
Everywhere we hear and see" Jesus is the reason for the season" but do we really accept what that means or is it just another temporary feel good fasade.

I believe it is:

- the season
- a season that includes;
- a year to come of;
- all hope
- all joy
- all that gives life
- giving it all
- all peace
- sacrifice
- family
- tears
- celebration
- understanding
- friends
- neighbours
- communities
- desperation
- loneliness
- confusion
- addictions
- purpose
- focus
Now the questions are;
- how have we lived in the past
- how are we living today
- how will we live tomorrow
The reason for the season is to remind us that we are embasidors of the greatest king that has ever lived.

Embassador - a diplomat of the highest rank accredited as a representative. An embassador of goodwill and hope to all.

This is God's prep time, his training ground, his wake up call, his giving it all to get us to give it all.

Can we do it?
Are we up to it?
Are you made of the right stuff?
Who is number one?
Were is our focus?
Who will we impact today?

Or are we even interested in the real reason for the season?
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14 NIV)

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