Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday and away we go again and better then ever

Day after day we are so blessed, not knowing from day to day just exactly how God will bless the ranch but He sure does. Yesterday coming back into the city and our Fuel was very low, not sure about how we would get out to the ranch with the work truck the next day, but each of us knew that if God wanted us out at the ranch he would supply all our needs along with a bit of Diesel fuel for this old truck. Parking the truck and heading into the house we opened the door and the smell of supper was very pleasing to the nose. As we sat to enjoy our supper the door bell rang and there on the driveway was 13 large jerry-cans of Diesel fuel enough to keep us going for another week or so.

Don't forget to mark your calendar February 3 for the Battle River Ranch Camp fundraiser. This will be a take your sweetheart out for supper and a dinner theater fundraiser. Bruce and Charlene have put exceptional TLC into this evening and you will not be dissapointed I garentee. This will be a formal, dress to the nine's evening, that you will not want to miss.

Also as we left the ranch yesterday and James mentioned that to be ready for insulation next week we need the rest of the wire and again we have learned that as we are obedient to keep pressing on God will supply. Well this after noon the wire that James needs was dropped off at the house and we can complete the wiring on the main floor.

Insulators dropped by today and went over what needed to be done to prepare for them to insulate the building also being donated for the building of God's Kingdom.

With windows and doors all in place we can work inside and the storms out side stay outside. As we build the Lodge it reminds me of the lives we live. We need a foundation to build upon, solid, straight and strong. A good foundation also keeps the dirt out of our basements and our lives. Windows allow the light in, just like windows in our lives, they let the light in to brighten our days. There is never an end to darkness but it never has invade our lives as long as we keep the light on the light of Christ our choice I guess.

As we met with Ray and Brenda today from Prayer Canada we were so blessed as we joined with others interested in building a strong prayer team to continue covering our community in prayer.

I loved writing stories for our children as they grew up and now I get the great pleasure of spending time with our grandchildren and reading those and many more stories to them.

A Good Lesson

A young man, a student in one of our universities, was one day taking a walk with a professor, who was commonly called the students' friend, from his kindness to those who waited on his instructions. As they went along, they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes, which they supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in a field close by, and who had nearly finished his day's work.

The student turned to the professor, saying: "Let us play the man a trick: we will hide his shoes, and conceal ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his perplexity when he cannot find them."

"My young friend," answered the professor, "we should never amuse ourselves at the expense of the poor. But you are rich, and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by means of the poor man. Put a coin into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch how the discovery affects him."

The student did so, and they both placed themselves behind the bushes close by. The poor man soon finished his work, and came across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes. While putting on his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes; but feeling something hard, he stooped down to feel what it was, and found the coin. Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his countenance. He gazed upon the coin, turned it round, and looked at it again and again. He then looked around him on all sides, but no person was to be seen. He now put the money into his pocket, and proceeded to put on the other shoe; but his surprise was doubled on finding the other coin. His feelings overcame him; he fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent thanksgiving, in which he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without bread, whom the timely bounty, from some unknown hand, would save from perishing.

The student stood there deeply affected, and his eyes filled with tears. "Now," said the professor, "are you not much better pleased than if you had played your intended trick?"

The youth replied, "You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget. I feel now the truth of those words, which I never understood before: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

The Battle River Ranch Camp is a one of a kind entry level trades and life skills opportunity facility. Offering an option to anyone that has been searching for an opportunity and is serious about finding out their area of strength and work place career possibilities.

Our hope and prayer is to let as many of you know about the ranch as possible so that the hope it will bring, the lives it will change and the encouragement it will provide can start as soon as possible.

The ranch will be a one of a kind facility and will offer an option to many like no other. When God has a plan and like our friends Mike and Pastor Lyle wisely told us just keep your focus and don't let the distractions pull you away from God's purpose.

Thank you once again for taking the time to view our blog. The Battle River Ranch Camp is a non profit organization that is focused on developing trades, life skills and training opportunities for men and women that are searching and find it difficult to get the opportunities needed to develop a productive and positive life skill.

Many men and women today have no idea about their future or what they could be good at and to how find out their possible skill area or level. We are a faith based and mentor based training facility and our hope is with the help of anyone that has a heart for helping so many to give each person that comes to the ranch an opportunity to find the skills they were created for.

Harold and Diane Stephan left a life filled with addictions and bad choices. Their journey has taken them through different twelve step programs and life recovery through a relationship and healing process with Jesus Christ. If it were not for caring people in their lives that never gave up on them or thought they were a hopeless cause they too would still be lost.

We would love to hear from you and if you feel this is a program and facility that would help you or someone that you know, or you would like to be more involved with a ministry like this or support it financially we would we would be very appreciative, and would love to talk to you and would very much appreciate your help in what ever way you can. Even if you could help with a small one time donation or a larger one it would help so much to bring this life changing facility and place of hope to be opened by this fall.

This is a ministry for those that have a heart and desire to make a difference in the lives of others with the skills and gifts they have been blessed with and have a desire to pass on what they know to the next generation.

You are always welcome visit and we look forward to your input. This ministry is prayer based, and we pray daily for the needs of others, if you have a need for prayer and not sure where to start give us a call and we will confidentially support and help you in this area. You may not know a lot about God but God knows everything about you and He loves you more than anyone can or ever will.

TO DONATE : If you are able to and would like to make a very needed and appreciated donation to this worthy project that is changing lives now and forever right here at home PLEASE consider making a donation to: CROSSMAN MINISTRIES / BRRC or visit our web site for direct donating, thank you very much we cannot do it alone.

As a registered charity your tax deductable receipts will be sent out at the end of the year. Once again we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for considering The Battle River Ranch Camp a life skills and trades introduction opportunity, as a option to encourage men and women and to support financially, an option that is making a differance in the lives of our young men and women right here at home in Canada.

Harold & Diane Stephan and the board of Directors of the Battle River Ranch Camp.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL US AT 1-3O6-825-7734 or 1-780-205-4743
God bless you and thank you so much

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