Monday, July 19, 2010

Mondays momentum

For a monday it has gone well and we are almost through it. James and the crew headed out early and got the east side of the shop done and will start on the south side with all the doors in it tomorrow. Diane and I spent the day getting caught up on errands and meetings that had to be done. We had a couple of vehicles that needed repairs and a couple of new cats showed up on our door step today and we are not sure what to do with them.

Can't believe that our trip to the CMA rally in Brandon is over and just a memorie but a good one.

Amanda emailed us today as they are planning their summer trip to Saskatchewan soon and we can't wait to see them again.

There is something about riding out on the open highway that just puts a smile on your face.

Blaine, Elisa and the kids have been away for over a week and will be home soon. P.T.L.

Durrant has blessed us with all his help at the ranch as he comes out and helps so much.

We are praying safety for Dave as he heads back to the ranch tomorrow and hopefully he can come to the council meeting tomorrow evening in Kitscotty.

Monday's Prayer Time

We know you need prayer, So let's pray

Heavenly Father we love you and praise your name above all names. Please hear the cry of hurting hearts. Lord we ask that you intervene and bring healing to lives and relationships. We don't fully understand why things have happened the way that they have, but Lord please let your glory shine and souls be won to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Oh Lord, these circumstances are hard to comprehend let alone bear. Please bring your courage, strength and the power of the Holy Spirit as your anointed presence surrounds all those involved.
Send your angels to protect and comfort these dear hearts that are hurting. We ask for patience and courage to wait upon you with our faith and trust. Let us see through your eyes with love dear Jesus, at each other. Let us know that no matter what happens that as Yet we ask this, "not by our will" but by "Your will" be done.
Please give us the "strength of faith to trust" that "you are" in the circumstances. That Your righteousness prevails. We wish to see through spiritual eyes full of faith in the face of all these trials and troubles. Lord let us see Your truth of what lies beyond these troubles. Let us keep our minds and hearts focused upon you and Heaven to come. We love you Lord and give you the glory, In Jesus Name we ask all this. Amen.

Rest now in the anointing of the Lord's peace. Give Him all your trust even though things may look bad. He really does love you and that is not just a cute, saying but the truth. You are loved as a kind loving father loves his child. For in truth, you are our Father God's child. Sometimes, no matter how old we get, we just need a great big hug. Can you see His arms opened, waiting? Do you need a hug? Than come and visit us at the ranch.

May the Lord bless you

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