Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday blessing day

Another incredible wedding yesterday friends and a former camper at Luseland Bible Camp got married to a great young man from Halifax. We met a lot of old friends that we hadn't seen in a while and lots of catchup happened.

God has blessed Diane and I with a wonderful marriage and family and what a time when we get together. As I rode in from the ranch with our daughter Victory on with me we always like to talk and she said, dad it's amazing what you and mom's life was and what you did to make our lives so good and compete. Thank you Dad

We got some backfilling done and we need to do some fencing around the horses done but all in all the ranch seems to be settling back to a normal state. If anyone knows or can help us out with some lumber for the lodge we would so much appreciate it.

Materials that we need
10'- 2x6's
16'- 2x6's
10'- 2x4's
16'- 2x4's
3/4" ply wood
16'- 12" I beam floor joists
2- 2x6 laminate triple beam post
Air nails 3-1/4" and 2"
Shingle nails for air nailer
Roof shingles sandy color
Roof trust

If in any way some of these materials you could help us with we would be so grateful and it would help us move along. We feel God is calling us to build this facility with out any dept as the opportunity to work and help in improving lives is much more possible and productive without a dept load to hinder and worry about. To date we have no dept and thanks to the many donors and monthly supporters we intend to keep it that way.


We are all so unique and special to God that our lives should daily be waiting in anticipation of God plan for us. But we do need to be ready and prepared cause,

1 Corinthians 2:9 "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" —

Probably the most misunderstood situation ever to occur is that we each and every one of us has a history. A history that includes the goodness of a God a God that loved us so much that He gave His one and only son to take away the sin of the world, and he is waiting to take you back.

Yet so many today choose or have in the past chosen to walk away and trust in what ever feels good at the moment, or trusting in them selves and their own strength or trust in nothing at all and then to wonder why there seems to be no hope. A life with out hope is like a motor cycle with out a battery and spark. It's a lot of work to push that bike every where, you look good with that bike beside you but the only way to look good is by a lot of work to push that bike every where. Why not put a battery in and and ride that machine the way it was made to be ridden and get places that it can get you.

That's like our lives with out God, we try everything but never get any where, the brakes always seem to be on, that could also be called pride and ego and when God isn't invited into our lives we will never find the purpose we were created to be. With out knowing the purpose of a life, that life flounders like a boat lost at sea, tossed and thrown every where and goes into eternity never knowing what it's purpose was.

Right now if you feel lost and with out hope there is some one out there that will spend time with you and listen, some one that won't betray you or laugh at you, but will be a true friend a friend like you never knew before. You probably know who it is already but you have been afraid to take that step or make the call.

A lot of people never gave Diane and I much hope at our marriage lasting very long and they were right. After years of abuse and emptiness we surrendered to something that scared us to bits but yet there was a future and a hope that we never knew about before. A Twelve step program brought us understanding about life and the new people that came into our life led us to Jesus. There was a time I would have said- oh ya sure what's the catch- or like a friend once said they are just after your money.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

For I know the plans I have for YOU,"declares the LORD,

plans to prosper YOU and

not to harm YOU,

plans to give YOU hope and a future.


If you are able to and would like to make a very needed and appreciated donation to this worthy project that is changing lives now and forever PLEASE consider making a donation to:
Box 11403
Lloydminster, Ab.
T9V 3B7

As a registered charity your tax deductable receipts will be sent out at the end of the year.

Once again we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for considering The Battle River Ranch Camp a life skills and trades introduction opportunity, as a option to support financially, an option that is making a differance in the lives of our young men and women right here at home in Canada.

God Bless You and Your Family!!!
Harold & diane Stephan and
Board of Directors of the Battle River Ranch Camp

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