Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Terrific Tuesday

We are so blessed with donations of materials for the ranch construction and wouldn't you know that every thing God blesses us with we are able to put to use. Everything from used steps to used showers and sinks. The cats have found a home on the seat of my motorcycle not sure what to do with that. Preparing for a blessed meeting tomorrow so please pray for favor.


Lord as much as I love my wife, I know that it's your love she needs first and so much more. I realize I cannot meet her every need and expectation, but You always can. I pray that you will bless my wife with the fulfillment of knowing You in a deeper and richer way than she ever has known You before. Help her to be commited and consistant in her walk with You, never doubting or wavering. Lead her to be strong in spirit and give her an ever increasing faith that always believes that You will answer her prayers as she seeks You and your Kingdom first Matt: 6:33.

Help her to crave time every day to spend with You in Your word, bathed in the Holy Spirit, prayer and praise. May Your Spirit abide in her, so that when she prays You will fill her with the desire of her heart and that is an over flow of Your Spirit. Help her to draw nearer to you each and every day. May she turn to you for everthing as you become her constant companion. Give her discernment and revalation and enable her to hear Your voice instructing her. Help her to stay focused on You, no matter how great the challenges of life are around her, so that she never strays off the path you have for her. Please Lord as her husband and friend, keep me aware always of when she needs a fresh filling of Your Spirit so that I will pray for her.

I know it is important to her heart to be a Godly example to her friends and family, so give her patience with every one she encounters. Help her to be so filled with Your Holy Spirit that people sense Your presence when they are in her presence. I know she wants to serve You, but help her to understand when to say no if she is being asked to do more than she should. May she glorify You in her life in all she does, says, and thinks.
In the name of The Father And The Son And The Holy Spirit Amen

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