Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday A Day of Change

As we thanked God for all His many blessing today and all the exciting blessings to come we can only say Our God is an Awesome God.

Snow is almost gone from the basement in preparation for the construction of the lodge.

Fans are up in the shop to move the heat around at the ceiling.

Presentations and speaking engagements went very well today and a whole lot more folks are excited about the ranch.

We are starting to see that it is doing far more for those of us who are on the front lines. Stretching our faith and commitment to honor God with all that he has blessed us with.

~ There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results. ~

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.

Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all-the apathy of human beings.

Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all-the apathy of human beings.
Thank you once again for taking the time to view our blog.The Battle River Ranch Camp is a non profit organization that is focused on developing trades, life skills and training opportunities for men and women that are searching and find it difficult to get the opportunities needed to develop a productive life skill. Many men and women today have no idea what they could be good at or how to find out their possible skill area or level. We are a faith based training center.

Harold and Diane Stephan left a life filled with addictions and bad choices. Their journey has taken them through different twelve step programs and life recovery through a relationship and healing process with Jesus Christ. If it were not for caring people in their lives that never gave up on them or thought they were a hopeless cause they too would still be lost.

We would love to hear from you and if you feel this is a program and facility that would help you or someone that you know, or you would like to be more involved with a ministry like this or support it financially we would love to talk to you and would very much appreciate your help in what ever way you can.

This is a ministry for those that have a heart and desire to make a difference in the lives of others with the skills and gifts they have been blessed with and have a desire to pass on what they know to the next generation.

You are always welcome to visit and we look forward to your input. This ministry is prayer based, and we pray daily for the needs of others, if you have a need for prayer and not sure where to start give us a call and we will confidentially support and help you in this area. You may not know a lot about God but God knows everything about you and He loves you more than anyone can or ever will.

God Bless You and Your Family!!!
Harold & diane Stephan and
Board of Directors of the Battle River Ranch Camp

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