Saturday, May 7, 2011

Friday's Frenzy as we head for higher ground

Friday it's Friday yep it was one incredible Friday, as James and Larry headed out to the ranch in a separate truck I headed out to drop off rebar at action towing and what a blessing they are to the ranch and impacting lives.

Yesterday we needed a way to backfill the lodge and today we have the equipment to get the job done.

Larry is doing a great job of learning the ins and outs of carpentry work and James is getting pretty darn good at operating the picker and driving a tractor unit.

As I travel from blessing to blessing I get a lot of opportunities with friends to pray for our friend Rick going through cancer treatment and it's overwhelming the love that get's poured out for one of our own. It seems when one of us is hurting everyone hurts and is willing to carry together as a family. Our trivial little day to day problems seem so dim when a friend is down and in need of our prayers, love and support.

Higher Ground

Higher ground is a place that the real picture, situation and conditions can be seen and observed. Choices are easier to make when we have the opportunity to see clearly what we are dealing with, ahead and behind from were we are standing on higher ground. Our hearts purpose and desire should be to go to where they are than lead to higher ground where we then can see life as it was, life as it is, life as it can be.
So many of us have been blessed with family and friends that have gone out of their way to lead us to higher ground. They have made sacrificed after sacrifice in the attempt to show a better way. But in the end, each of us will choose the life we get to enjoy. I hear it all the time," man what a crappy hand I've been delta", or why do they have it all and won't help me out. So we choose to find someone to blame our life on, all for the simple reason we don't want to accept responsibility for our lives. It will always be someone else's fault never ours.

I've lived long enough and have made more poor or down right stupid choices than most, and I do accept responsibility for my actions now. I also know that my stupidity has cost me relationships and a future that could have been far different than the one I get to live out now. Is it ever too late to accept responsibility for ones life, well I certainly hope not.
God takes His job seriously as he patiently, lovingly and with care attempts on a daily basis, minute by minute, second by second to lead us to higher ground. Most often we don't like the path we are in or the direction we believe it is taking us but are unwilling to do what needs to be done to get off the rut filled route we alone have chosen to live on. Oh yes let's not forget that often find others to blame for all those ruts, others who just don't understand or just don't care.
It takes hard work, commitment and planning to build security into our future period. Hate to burst a bubble but God is not going to drop the perfect life in your lap just because you feel you deserve it or it's your inheritance. But that can and will all change if we are willing to look for the times in our lives when God puts those people and opportunities right in to our lives even right before our face and we realize that this detour off the ruts we have chosen to be in, is heading to higher ground.
God always wants us on higher ground not only so we can enjoy all that He has to bless us with but more to lead others to the safe and secure life that is available when we seen the mess we have lived in from the clear view at higher ground. Then again many will choose not to be willing to move to higher ground out of selfishness or just plain too lazy to lift a hand to help someone else get there.
Our purpose in life if we are followers of Jesus Christ has to be to bring honour to Him that gave it all for us all. His purpose was to change every life not just some, or a choice few. We won't all have the same type of life either but the same joy is available to each and every one of us and it all starts at the foot of a wretched blood stained cross, that displayed more love than has ever been shown to anyone ever before.

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