Wednesday, January 16, 2013

DRIPPY TAPS drip drip drip

     Not to many of us out there that haven't experienced a set of drippy taps. And believe it or not they are not too hard to fix.  But before we go to fixin a set of taps please be aware that some drippy taps cannot be fixed only tossed out into the garbage. No use wasting a moment on them and we will explain why. Often we become attached to a set of drippy taps because we don't want to deal with them, we ignore the constant dripping and marks in the sink. The swelling of the counter top and the fact that we need to hold on to the whole shebango as they are so loose and ready to fall off. By this time the whole counter is most likely shot as well as the taps.
      The best time to deal with a drippy tap is as soon as you have to put a pipe wrench on the handle to get them to turn off and stop that dripping.  Just kidding but as soon as you have to put extra force on the handle to get them to stop it's time to do some minor repairs.
     Most taps are really simple to work on with the use of only a few basic tools. A multi screw driver an adjustable wrench, pair of players, a set of large allan wrenches, plumbers grease or any lip balm will work just fine and some patience.
     Now the first and a very important step is to turn off the water which in most cases can be done directly under the sink. Keep an old towel around the work area to catch any water that may appear. If you get some water dripping from around the shut off valve it is usually because the packing nut needs to be tightened and that will solve that problem for you. Now if you get more water than a cloth can dab up you may be in trouble but that happens rarely but mind you can happen. Now open the taps half way and leave them there to drain away any pressure and to be sure you have the water off.  After removing the hot and cold caps you will find a screw either philips or common.  Remove the screw and then carefully wiggle the handle off and set the right hand parts to the right and the left hand parts to the left. Once the handles are off  you will need your adjustable wrench to remove the cartridge or cartridge collar nut. once this is done and the cartridge has been removed examine it and see if the washer and O rings needs replacing on the bottom or if it has no washer than you may need to take a picture and go get a new cartridge at your local hardware store.  Also look down inside and if the brass seat down there looks eaten away by erosion if it is it will have to be removed with your large allen wrench and replaced also, often very tight and need a real pull to loosen. Please know where your nearest plumbing shop or hardware store is.
     Once you have all the parts and you have covered them with grease or blistex you can put it all back together tighten, replace the handles and turn the water back on, SLOWLY and see what happens. If this is you first attempt to fix some thing as high tech as a set of taps maybe do one at a time. But I know if this is successful you will be hanging a shingle on your door and soon all the neighbours will be getting you to repair their taps and you could quit your other low paying job.
     If you have any questions do not be afraid to contact your local friendly neighbourhood plumber they are always more than willing to help you get the job done right. PS if they seem mean or grumpy just give them a big hug and say how you want your son to be a plumber some day just like them. Also every hardware store usually has someone that will help. God bless and hopefully you know how to pray. PS Don't be a drippy tap.

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