Thursday, January 3, 2013


To the ones you hate to have on your block, the ones that always seem to be in trouble all the time, the ones that never seem to get any where in life, the ones that hang out at the malls and bus stops, the ones that became bikers, the ones that just didn't fit in, the ones that you didn't care if you ever saw them again, the ones that started to change, the ones that got a job, the ones that became a machine operator, the ones that repaired your furnace, the ones that you saw at church with their kids, the ones that you sat across from at that twelve step meeting, the one that joined in to help clean up the mess after a storm destroyed the family home, the one that shovelled your side walk when you had the broken leg, the one that stopped to help you change that flat tire, the one that installed your new plumbing, the one that delivered the materials for your dream home,  the one that became a city foreman, the one that forgave you for all the things you thought about him, the one you managed to get others to hate,  the one that gave a down syndrome kid his first ride on his motor cycle, the one that became a politician and stood up for what was right, the one that became a pastor, the one that would not choose abortion but took care of this miracle,  the ones that you needed to keep away from your perfect kids,  the one that became a teacher, the one that always made time for others, the one that never had a lot of money but a great marriage and great kids, the one that you said just got lucky, the one you liked to blame it all on, the one you promised so much to, but never came through, the one that you said was a looser and now is the youth leader, the one that didn't have all the toys but still seemed popular, the one that a mentor cared about and it all changed.

THANK YOU once again for taking the time to view our blog. The Battle River Ranch Camp is a non profit organization that is focused on developing trades, life skills and training opportunities for men and women that are searching and find it difficult to get the opportunities needed to develop a productive and positive life skill.
If you are able to and would like to make a very needed and appreciated donation to this worthy project that is changing lives now and forever right here at home PLEASE consider making a donation to:CROSSMAN MINISTRIES / BRRC, (Battle River Ranch Camp) or visit our web site for direct donating and more information, thank you very much we cannot do it alone.
Be a blessing to someone today.

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