Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday So Blessed and so thankful

What Footprints will you leave?

Everywhere you go, you leave footprints;

in the sand,

in the snow,

in the mud,

in the dust,

and in lives,

for all time,

to those that will follow

Footprints are temporary records.

They get washed away by water,

blown away by the wind, and they disappear with time.

Nothing is left but unanswered questions...

Who made them?

Where were they going?

Were they happy?

Were they sad?

Were they teaching?

Were they guiding?

Were they helping?

At the beach did they pickup seashells?

Did they chase seagulls by the water?

Were they lovers holding hands?

Were they small children exploring the beach for the very first time?

When it snowed, did they make a snowman?

Did they throw snowballs?

Were they a father trying to save his family?

Were they a mother with a heavey load?

Were they a soldier's fighting for freedom and those he loved?

And the questions go on….

Your memories are the “footprints” in your mind, and only you know the answers...

· Where have you been? What differance did you make?

· What have you done? What hope did you share?

· What have you seen? What legacy did you leave?

· What have you touched? What will you be remembered by?

· What were your thoughts? What will they say at your funeral?

The answers to these questions, and many more, will be — YOUR FOOTPRINTS FOREVER.

Fooprints in the sand

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed He was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from His life. For each scene He noticed two sets of footprints in the sand. One belonging to Him and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of His life flashed before Him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of His life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of His life.

This really bothered Him and He questioned the LORD about it. LORD you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me.

The LORD replied, my precious, precious child, I Love you and I would never leave you! During your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.

Saint Theresa's Prayer
May today there be peace within you. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be confident knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday So Blessed

So who would have guessed that a day that started out cool and foggie would become a day that we lost all our snow and our breath disapeared by afternoon. The sky became clear and did we ever have a wondersful day. James and I headed out early expecting to get the coffee on and get the day started before all the young adults group and the other volonteers showed up probably we guessed about 9:00 or so. Well we came over the hill and as we headed down into the ranch valley we were absolutly amazed that there were a lot of vehicles at the ranch already and that the young adults were there and waiting ready to start working at what ever needed to be done. God is so good...

We first headed up to the Dave corral to check on the horses and see if all was well and found that the water heaters were working very well and the horses had water to drink not ice to lick.
We also fed them and cleaned the corral for prince.

Then off to the house for a time of devotions and a few songs on the guitar and ask God's blessings on our day.

We got a lot of jobs completed with some expert help in all areas of the ranch, from building a shelter to installing the electrical lines to preparing an excellant lunch for every one. Luke was busy up on the shop roof finishing the evestroughs, and Barry got some more done on the roof of the mobile.

Joey, Mel and a few others got a good start on the shelter for the horses. We were so blessed with an auger donated to drill the holes for the poles.

We wound down our evening with a bon fire and roasted smokies and shut down the generator for some peace and quiet. So all in all in all it was a very blessed and productive day.

PS - Mark dropped in also today and said that he felt that God was telling him to donate all his autobody tools and equipment to the ranch and that we can come and pick it all up any time that we can. WOW

A couple from Lloydminster that have been watching as the ranch has come together stopped in today to see for themselves, as far as I know they don't belong to any church or even go to church that we know of, but they came to encourage us and to let us know that he is a mechanic and his wife is great with green houses and gardening and that if there is anything at anytime we need help with just let them know and they will do what ever they can to help.

We are so blessed and overwhelmed at the support from everyone as we see more and more, that as we reach out with help to a hurting and often confused world, that like Jesus Himself did, who is our example and that he came to bring hope to those that needed hope, and the way it looks to me most of us have more than enough and it's about time we started to help those that need our help. If for no other reason than to let God know that our hearts and lives are for his purpose and not just our own.

In his book ( Crazy Love) Francis Chan says - Most of us use "I'm waiting for God to reveal His calling on my life" as a means of avoiding action. He says "Did you hear God calling you to sit in front of the television yesterday, or to go on your last vacation. In John 14:15 Jesus did not say "If you love me you will obey me, when you feel called or good about doing so..." If we Love Then we obey. Period.

Saturday's Prayer

When the world tries to drag us down and the angry waves of life go over our heads, We need to turn to you, our Lord and Savior. You are the rock, our place of refuge and our only hope. We pray that you never leave us alone in the battle. Protect us from our weakness and fears, free each and every one us from our fears and give us the strength to carry on. Amen.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday's Frenzy

Fantastic day for a friday as we now have power at the Dave corral and down at the septic pump out location. Wondering if it would ever happen and now it's done and with the help of floating heaters the animals should have water this winter.

Yipo was hard at work when we stopped at Full Tilt this morning only to find out that Emil was away for a bit. So we stopped and chatted a bit with Yipo and then off to Ecole Electric to meet with Tim our tool man electrician. I needed to call him first to meet us there and so after a few rings Tim was on the phone but in no time at all I realized that this was the wrong Tim. This was Tim our furniture guy and he was saying how did you know that I was just saying that I needed to call Harold? He would like Diane and I to speak at the next Rotary Meeting and make a presentation about the ranch how cool is that, I dial the wrong number but it was really the right number. We finally met up with Tim and we were off and running out to the ranch.

Our only disappointment of the day was that we had a lot of people coming out to the ranch tomorrow to help build a shelter for the horses and we still had no power poles that were donated by Atco electric. So we would have to possibly do something else tomorrow. James and I were doing a few last minute details about 5:00, and I could hear Barry hollering and when I looked over his way I could see the miracle he was hollering about, our load of logs was pulling into the yard, in God style not to soon and not minute to late. Our day was back on track or was it ever off. Al the driver drove in and as I waved them into location he gave me the big two thimbs up. They took about 1/2 hour to unload and when I talked to Al the driver he said that he and his family now attended LGF and are excited about the ranch, he said that his boss called him after lunch and asked if he would haul a load of poles out to the ranch. I again thanked him for the poles and asked him who I owe for hauling them and he said I don't believe you owe anyone and he shook my hand and off they went. P.T.L. How can we ever thank God enough for the miracles and the blessings of every day's needs out here at the Battle River Ranch Camp. Every need is a potential huge expense out here at the ranch, and yet God provides.

Matthew 6:33 (New International Version)

33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

PS - Prince's hoof seems much better today and Should be fine in a few more days, then we can let him out of the Dave corral.

We were very blessed this evening as Mark, Rita,Bruce and Charlene joined us for supper and it is Rita's birthday Good Times. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RITA

Progress continues at a miraculous pace out here at the ranch. We used to wonder what if we get to a point and we have run out of materials to continue what then do we do? Well thank the good Lord that has not happened and so we move ahead at the provided pace. As you all join in to help, this first of it's kind facility will come into reality as a place that God will use to change and improve lives as we help by giving direction and hands on training to those seeking to improve thier work skills, place in society and relationship to the God of the universe .

Many of you have said that you are not able to help out as a volonteer but you have held us up in prayer and are constantly calling to up date our prayer needs. Diane, I, James and the board of directors of the Battle River Ranch Camp and the many young men and women that have already benifited from thier time at the ranch are forever grateful to each and everone of you for your contribution and commitment to this incredible Kingdom Building Project. We are getting calls from across Canada as to how one can find out more about the ranch.

Once again thank you so much and may the good Lord bless you and keep you as you seek His purpose in your lives.