Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday without James

Well we have two full days in without James to keep it all together and now we know for sure that we may not make it for the whole 2 weeks that he is gone. There he is in where ever and we have to figure out what it is that he wanted us to do and accomplish while he is away. So we are doing our best to hold it all together. Dave is badley crippled up from having a way too much fun and Diane and I are badley stressed from having a way too much fun. As God continues to direct the plans for the ranch project it's not hard to see that this project is going places were no man has ever gone or could ever go on his own, only by the grace of God and His leading are we able to maintain any sort of sanity. We got all the supplies for the disposal field and will attempt to get that all installed in the next few days as winter is almost apon us. We had our bi annual meeting with Pastor Lyle and Greg this morning and all is well again in that area and we are so thankful for their support and input to the ranch project.

Took some very scenic picture for James so he could show the people were ever he is, were he comes from and the country side.

Got a great picture of a 1967 Mercury Cougar today, that's one car I would have liked to have owned.

You're noticed

I know sometimes it seems that wives live almost invisible lives...

laundry, kids, work, wal-mart.

Does anyone notice?

Yes, girls you are very much loved and appreciated.

There is One who watches you.

He sees that extra patience when you're tired.

He sees that smile you give even when you've got none left and no one smiles back.

He sees that last dish you wash, that first-thing-in-the-morning duty to get every one going.

You matter to Him.

You and all you do each and every day.

He numbers the hairs on your head even the grey ones.

He knows the cares on your heart.

He notices you.

And He loves what He sees.

You may not feel appreciated at times, and we husbands don't do enough to show our appreciation for all that you do.

But the heart of heaven applauds you.

Well done, daughter of His, well done.

O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Psalm 139:1-3

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