Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday A Day of Victory

Battle River Ranch Camp

Mission Statement

Our mission statement is to equip people with the skills necessary to succeed in the work place, to cultivate in them a character that contributes to the community and to nurture in them a heart that seeks to honour God in all areas of life, that they may live purposeful and satisfying lives as productive members of the work force, their community and their church.

Jesus last words on the cross were Father Forgive Them For they Know Not What They Do

Miracle of the day is the phone call that we have been waiting for for years and today we have been blessed with our own charitable tax number.

Please pray for us as we attend and share the ranch project at mission fest Edmonton

Think About What You Think About (1)
''What I feared has come upon me...' ' Job 3:25
Nick was a tough guy with a bad outlook. He worked
on the railways.
One night after all his fellow workers had gone home
he accidentally
locked himself in a refrigerated carriage. Worried that
the temperature
was below freezing, he yelled for help, but to no avail.
The more he
thought about his situation the colder he felt, until
eventually he started
shivering uncontrollably. Convinced he was dying,
he wrote a letter to
his family outlining what had happened. The next
morning they found
Nick's body. An autopsy revealed that he had
indeed frozen to death.
But the investigators discovered something puzzling.
The carriage in
which Nick was trapped was out of order and had
been disconnected.
The night he froze to death the temperature in
the boxcar was 16.1
degrees, just below room temperature. But because
he expected to die,
he lost the battle in his mind. What you believe
about your life is more
important than what anyone else believes. Job
said, 'What I feared has
come upon me.' Be careful what you anticipate;
negative expectations
become self-fulfilling prophecies. God has
promised to help you, but
you get the deciding vote. By focusing on the
negative you're agreeing
to let satan defeat you. Jesus said, '..."According
to your faith will it be
done for you"' (Matthew 9:29 NIV). Another
translation puts it like this:
'..."Become what you believe"...' (TM). So
get into agreement with God's
Word and focus on His promises instead of
your problems. When you
do, your faith will take you to new levels of
victory. But it's up to you to
take the first step! The word for you today.

For Our Families

O God, in the beginning You brought together man and woman in marriage that they might share Your work of creation and bring enriching life to one another. We commend to Your constant care the homes where Your people dwell. Knit together in growing affection those who have been made one flesh so that their love and marriages may never fail. Turn the hearts of parents to their children and children to their parents. Take away the roots of bitterness, vanity, and self-seeking that bring dissension where family peace should reign. Inspire them, rather, with loyalty, faith, and sacrifice, that in all the changes and circumstances of life they may stand strongly together in mutual service and love. Merry Christmas

Praise, God from whom all blessings flow,

(James 1:17)

Praise Him all creatures here below; (Psalm 145:21)

Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; (Rev 5:11-14)

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Matt 28:19)

Praise to the Father praise the Son Praise to the Spirit Three in One. (Matt 28:19, Deut 6:4)

Praise to the most high God we sing. (Psalm 136:2)

Praise to our Savior, Lord and King. (2 Peter 1:11, Psalm 74:12)


Praise Our God, praise His Name, (Psalm 96:2)

Praise our God, for our God saves. (Psalm 68:20)

Let every mouth the Lord proclaim. (Psalm 145:21)

Let earth and heaven sing His praise. (Psalm 96:11)

Let every knee before Him bow, (Romans 14;11)

Great is our God, the Lord of all. (Acts 10:36)


Praise Our God, praise His Name, (Psalm 96:2)

Praise our God, for our God saves. (Psalm 68:20)

Praise, God from whom all blessings flow (James 1:17)

Praise Him all creatures here below; (Psalm 145:21)

Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; (Rev 5:11-14)

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Matt 28:19)

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