Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Getting the frost out of the ground seems to be working well and it looks like we will be getting some concrete for the pads in the basement soon. Today we have been blessed with Huge I beams for the lodge and a few other supplies, God does what He says he will do, if we only trust and obey. Which can be a way too much fun for anyone but if we have to we will we will endure, persevere, and have the time of our lives. Imagine that the time of your life and no hang over, who would have guessed. Amazing grace how great the sound.

Loving my Husband Into God's Family

Kathy Lewis

Every Sunday my husband, Bill, was home alone while I went to church with our little girl. Katie and I wanted to "get daddy saved"! Obviously, our attitudes needed some restructuring. We joined one of our church’s small-group ministries. This little community lovingly turned our focus toward the cross and away from the differences at home.

Almost immediately, my husband saw a gentler, quieter spirit in his home as we loved, encouraged, and enjoyed him. Bill saw such profound differences in us and our home that he exclaimed, “Whatever this group thing is on Sunday nights, GO!” Since we no longer nagged Bill to go to church, he began to venture out to evening church events. Although Bill remained aloof, members of our small group greeted him warmly and treated him as the head of our family, a man deserving of respect and love.

Bill was seriously ill with heart disease and frequently near death. The impact of biblical encouragement was not lost on Bill as he observed members of our small group take care of numerous practical needs, not only while he was sick but also as I endured numerous back surgeries. Encouragement came in all forms: meals, cards, flowers, visits, hugs, and balloons. This precious covenant family made a long-term commitment to love us, not only in word but also in deed.

During our church’s 1999 Christmas play, my husband asked Jesus to come into his heart. Joyful tears and laughter filled the room when others learned that Bill was now a spiritual brother. It took almost ten years, but what an eternal investment our church family made in the Kingdom of God!

Now it’s not unusual for Bill to extend God’s mercy to others by using his building skills or his great ability for cleaning up messes. Since December, four others in our family have come to know Jesus, and to our surprise, God has begun to use our family to encourage these new believers with prayer and investments of time and service.

What a joy it is to partner in ministry with my sweet husband. How grateful I am for the loving community created by my church family – a community that God used to draw my husband’s heart toward Him.

We hope and prayer is to let as many of you know about the ranch as possible so that the hope it will bring and the lives it will change and the encouragement it will provide can start as soon as possible. The ranch will be a one of a kind facility and will offer an option to many like no other.
When God has a plan and like our friend Mike and Pastor Lyle wisely told us just keep your focus and don't let the distractions pull you away from God's purpose. Thank you once again for taking the time to view our blog. The Battle River Ranch Camp is a non profit organization that is focused on developing trades, life skills and training opportunities for men and women that are searching and find it difficult to get the opportunities needed to develop a productive life skill. Many men and women today have no idea what they could be good at or how to find out their possible skill area or level. We are a faith based training center and our hope is to give each person that comes to the ranch an opportunity to find the skill they were created for.

Harold and Diane Stephan left a life filled with addictions and bad choices. Their journey has taken them through different twelve step programs and life recovery through a relationship and healing process with Jesus Christ. If it were not for caring people in their lives that never gave up on them or thought they were a hopeless cause they too would still be lost.

We would love to hear from you and if you feel this is a program and facility that would help you or someone that you know, or you would like to be more involved with a ministry like this or support it financially we would love to talk to you and would very much appreciate your help in what ever way you can. Even if you could help with a small one time donation or a larger one it would help so much to bring this life changing facility and place of hope to be opened by this fall.

This is a ministry for those that have a heart and desire to make a difference in the lives of others with the skills and gifts they have been blessed with and have a desire to pass on what they know to the next generation.

You are always welcome to visit and we look forward to your input. This ministry is prayer based, and we pray daily for the needs of others, if you have a need for prayer and not sure where to start give us a call and we will confidentially support and help you in this area. You may not know a lot about God but God knows everything about you and He loves you more than anyone can or ever will.

God Bless You and Your Family!!!
Harold & diane Stephan and
Board of Directors of the Battle River Ranch Camp




Because you have a past
You can't go back, but He can. The Bible says, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8) He can walk into those places of sin, failure and hopelessness, wipe the slate clean and give you a new beginning. A beginning with a real and lasting future, full of hope.
Because you need a friend that won't let you down
Jesus knows the worst about you, yet he believes the best. Why? Because He sees you not as you are, but as you will be when He gets through with you. What a friend!
Because He holds the future
Who else are you going to trust? In his hands you are safe and secure - today, tomorrow and for eternity. His word says, "For I know the plans I have for you ...plans for good and not evil, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray I will listen". (Jeremiah 29:11-13 TLB)

If you'd like to start over, with a new beginning with Jesus today, Diane, I, the board of directors, volunteers and supporters of Crossman Ministries and the Battle River Ranch Camp would ask you, if you are looking for a new beginning to please pray this prayer:

I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life. I ask Your forgiveness and now turn from everything that I know is wrong. Thank You for dying on the cross for me to set me free from my sins. Please come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit and be with me forever. Thank you Lord Jesus, Amen.

If you have made this commitment and would like to make contact, please call us. We'd love to talk to you and help in any way we can.

We are praying for all of you reading the blog every day.

We all need and are searching for choices and option every day in our lives.
We want you
to know that you do have a choice as to where you will spend eternity and we just like to
let you know that even in those last minutes of life if you call out to Jesus with all your
heart He will be there for you. Just look at the criminal that hung on the cross beside
Jesus. Each and every one of us make choices every day about the life we want to live
while we are here on this earth but very few know about the option we have available to us
when it comes to eternity. God really does love you, Jesus really died for you and the
Holy Spirit will come and live in you. Just give Him a chance today

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