Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday Can't Beat That Day

Roof is going on to the shop PRAISE  THE  LORD,  GOD  IS  SO  GOOD  ALL  THE  TIME. We also got the entry road open again, the trench for the water and sewer pipes is filled and the landscape is starting to get back to normal.  James spent the day working with the roofers and running the to try and level out the parking area. 

Simon was able to come out to the ranch and help us for a few hours this morning he had a bit of the great stew we had prepared for lunch and then they were off a they had many commitments back in Moose Jaw , What a blessing to have them come and help for the weekend.

  Our annual fundraiser is on October the 2 and our working funds are very low, and so when we received a gift today from some dear friends it will sure make things a whole lot easier for us till the fundraiser.  We are very blessed and God is good all the time. 

We need extra help for the next three days and we are willing to train as we go along so if you have a few hours or more we need you.   Please call us at 1-306-825-7734  Thank you very much

One of the realities facing missions and ministries today is the increasing need for everyone to recognize the importance of each ones involvment. Global workers who serve in restricted access nations are willing to go into scenarios that require great risk; they've been called and they've responded with a "yes". However, their yes won't amount to anything unless others gather around them and send the support needed to move the ministry ahead in building the kingdom of God.
I think we can downplay the calling of being a "supporter"; it doesn't seem exciting, it seems like all we're doing is giving money and saying the occasional prayer. Friend, let me challenge you to see yourself as part of a greater TEAM; part of the kingdom initiative of reaching the lost wherever they are. When you support a global worker you DIRECTLY participate in the activity of mission around the world, but we can never forget that there is a great need here right at home also.
Look around you and recognize the value of the collective; How Together Everyone Accomplishes More and the ranch that will be the first of it's kind will be completed.
Our financial and prayer partners are a blessing to us, each and every day and we wanted to be sure to let you know just how much we appreciate you. We believe that partnership goes both ways. We pray for our partners daily, and would appreciate the opportunity to agree with you in prayer for your needs more specifically. And we pray for blessing in your lives, as you follow the example of Isaac who sowed in the midst of a famine. The result for him was that he received a hundred-fold return in that same year of famine (Genesis 26:1,12). We pray that same blessing for you, that God will show His abundance to you in every area of your lives and that you will reap a great harvest in Jesus name Amen.

1 comment:

  1. It was a great privilege to be a part of your weekend. Just wish I had more time to help. Will have to do it again in the future.
