Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday the day of change

Check Spelling

Today was so filled with the blessing of God and His miracles I'm not sure were to start. First of all we have a lot of equipment that needs a lot of fuel well we are a bit short on cash so we need fuel. Well this morning some one helped us get fuel to keep going. When we arrive at the ranch there are three men walking along the west side of the property so I head on up to talk with them and find out that some one is supplying and having a new fence installed for the ranch.

Tomorrow Dale and Erica Wills will once again be bringing us a meal out to the ranch and we know that that will be great.

All the food for the fund raiser has been donated and Diamond seven will prepare the pork for the supper.

Miracles so many to be used but we hold on to them like they are ours, but they aren't. They are for some one else and chances are you know who they are for. Go ahead let a small one go and watch what happens, it may hurt a bit but the more we do it the less painful it is. Soon we will be in the middle of a miracle of our own and that's what God wants for you.

Oner of the greatest miracles of the ranch is the hours that Dave spends on the track hoe and the great job he's doing. Dave has come a long way since he landed on our door step, he's a great mentor and friend to every one that works and visits the ranch. Dave will be the first to let you know that his life was a mess but God and only God can and will use others to do a miracle in your life, if you'll just let go of the garbage from the past and learn to love on those you never thought possible to love. Come on out and meet Dave he's the type of Man of God that will make time for you. Thank you Donna Lynn for sharing Dave with all of us at the ranch.

Thursday Prayer

Heavenly Father we love and worship you. We glorify your mighty name above all names. Everytime we pray to you Lord we feel such a humble love. A deep gratitude for all that you have done in making the Battle River Ranch a reality.
Lord being our precious Savior You healed the lepers, the blind and the lame. We know that You can heal our hurts and sorrows. You are the same yesturday, today and forever. Your Word says that in Hebrews 13:8. Your desire is for all of your children to accept Salvation and join you in Heaven. We know that You desire none of us to suffer an eternity without You. This is your desire and it is your will. Your Word says it!
Lord we know that you allow things to come into our lives for a reason. The greatest of which is to save souls for your kingdom. By your name Lord Jesus Christ and by Your authority please bind Satan and cast him away.
Lord we ask you by your blood and saving grace, to touch mightly this situation and bring about Your healing and Salvation. Lord our hearts cry out to you. We need your love and understanding, as we go through these hurts, trials and challenges. Please surround all of us including all our nieghbours with Your beautiful angels bringing us peace, comfort, protection and wisdom.
Please help all of us to see through your eyes with a solid strength of faith. Help us to walk in the Holy Spirit power of faith. A faith like we have never had before. Thank you sweet Jesus and in your name. Amen

Please know that we just said this prayer with you, even though you can't see us in person. Our prayer "is" joined with yours. We believe that the Lord honors prayers and that He will honor this one. He knows your heart, and He knows ours right now. We prayed this prayer for you with all of the faith that we have. It is a "real prayer" and it has been said with our full "real amount of faith."

Please rest easy now and try walking through this whole situation with the "eyes of Jesus in faith." It doesn't matter what your fleshly eyes see or how you are feeling. Faith goes much more beyond that. Faith sees things having happened already even though it hasn't. Look down the road a few years from now and see the good to come. Now keep that good vision in your mind and believe strongly, trusting in the Lord. Hold your head up and walk believing and knowing that God is with you and that you are "not" alone. God bless you. AMEN

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