Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Can't Beat That Day

Another great day out at the ranch. Our help is gaining momentum which is a huge praise report. More and more people are also stopping in just to get some information and most times staying for coffee and to talk. George Colley one of our neighbours stopped in for coffee and to chat. Also Mark and his wife stopped in to see how the ranch was doing as they daily monitor the blog and are so encouraged at the progress of this project that God need accomplished for His purpose.

We also have had some great phone calls from folks wanting to donate to the ranch and to come and help with what ever they can.

We have been blessed with one wheel barrow but need 3 more a least. So if you have a good wheel barrow that we can use or abuse for a couple of days please let us know. We are so thankful that God is blessing the ranch safety and the right people at the right time to accomplish His purpose at the ranch. We have people that come out to walk and pray as they find the peace is overwhelming at the ranch. Dusty our resident donkey will keep you safe as he checks to see who you are, he seems to know the presence of God and the peace that goes with that.

We truly do invite you all to come and be blessed, we appreciate your company visits.

We have a young man volunteering from Saskatoon, Jerrod is a friend from Caronport that went to school with Joey and has come to help us for a week or so, what a blessing as he is a very respectful and strong young man that gets the job done.
Dave was deep in the mud as he finished off the rebar tieing, yep is was a long day.

It was also great to have Melissa and Sarah out this afternoon and they made a great supper for everyone, how blessed we are.

Monday's Prayer Time

We all need prayer so join us and let's pray,

Heavenly Father we love you and praise your name above all names. Please hear the cry of hurting hearts. Lord we ask that you intervene and bring healing to lives and relationships. We don't fully understand why things have happened the way that they have, but Lord please let your glory shine and souls be won to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Oh Lord, many are in circumstances that are hard to comprehend let alone bear. Please bring your courage, strength and the power of the Holy Spirit as your anointed presence surrounds all those involved.
Send your angels to protect and comfort these dear hearts that are hurting. We ask for patience and courage to wait upon you with our faith and trust. Let us see through your eyes with love dear Jesus, at each other. Let us know that no matter what happens that as we ask this, "not by our will" but by "Your will" be done.
Please give us the "strength of faith to trust" that "you are" in the circumstances. That Your righteousness prevails. We wish to see through spiritual eyes full of faith in the face of all these trials and troubles. Lord let us see Your truth of what lies beyond these troubles. Let us keep our minds and hearts focused upon you and Heaven to come. We love you Lord and give you the glory, In Jesus Name we ask all this. Amen.

Rest now in the anointing of the Lord's peace. Give Him all your trust even though things may look bad. He really does love us and that is not just a cute, saying but the truth. You are loved as a kind loving father loves his child. For in truth, you are our Father God's child. Sometimes, no matter how old we get, we just need a great big hug. Can you see His arms opened, waiting? Do you need a hug?
Than come see us at the ranch.

May the Lord bless you and keep you

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