Thursday, September 9, 2010


I almost quit writing the blog today.  Our days are long and hard and the last thing I need at the end of a hard day is to spend 2 hours to write about some silly ranch being built to make life a lot better for more people than we will ever imagine.  But then get a message from a single mom about the difference the blog makes in the life of her child as she daily absorbs the Battle River Ranch Blog.  Or a grandmother that sent a message today about how she is waiting for surgery and she daily enjoys the blog as it is such an encouragement to her.  Many years ago she baby sat our oldest kids and she sees them today and how they are doing.
 We have 3 weeks to have our building ready for the annual fundraiser, that will be out at the ranch this year.  This to many seems like the most impossible thing to do and what's the use even trying, why not just get somewhere to hold the event.  Well we cannot afford another place, so we need to trust that God will deliver our building completed for the Oct. 2 event. Today we still have no roof on the building and no concrete or electricity, this to many of you may be an impossible feat but we do serve an awesome God. 
By the end of today we have received conformation that Joe Stang will put the roof on next Tuesday and wednesday P.T.L.
Water and sewer lines are 75% complete and backfilling continues.
Our grandson Jacob headed out for his first day at kindergarten, always a bit emotional and very special we are so proud of him.  Please pray for his parents to adjust quickly.

Miracles are from God, luck is just plain luck and no more.  I believe I've got a bit of an understanding about these miracles so check tomorrows blog and tell me if I'm wrong.

One of the realities facing missions and ministries today is the increasing need for everyone to recognize the importance of each ones involvment. Global workers who serve in restricted access nations are willing to go into scenarios that require great risk; they've been called and they've responded with a "yes". However, their yes won't amount to anything unless others gather around them and send the support needed to move the ministry ahead in building the kingdom of God.
I think we can downplay the calling of being a "supporter"; it doesn't seem exciting, it seems like all we're doing is giving money and saying the occasional prayer. Friend, let me challenge you to see yourself as part of a greater TEAM; part of the kingdom initiative of reaching the lost wherever they are. When you support a global worker you DIRECTLY participate in the activity of mission around the world, but we can never forget that there is a great need here right at home also.
Look around you and recognize the value of the collective; How Together Everyone Accomplishes More and the ranch that will be the first of it's kind will be completed.
Our financial and prayer partners are a blessing to us, each and every day and we wanted to be sure to let you know just how much we appreciate you. We believe that partnership goes both ways. We pray for our partners daily, and would appreciate the opportunity to agree with you in prayer for your needs more specifically. And we pray for blessing in your lives, as you follow the example of Isaac who sowed in the midst of a famine. The result for him was that he received a hundred-fold return in that same year of famine (Genesis 26:1,12). We pray that same blessing for you, that God will show His abundance to you in every area of your lives and that you will reap a great harvest in Jesus name Amen.


  1. the blog helps many people with getting thru their day and shows us how well our prayers for the ranch are helping

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey my brother, I do read the blog every day, and encourage you to keep on writing, this keeps me informed as to what to pray for you guys and to thank God for as well. I may not have much Gold or Silver my brother, and I apologize I haven't made it out to the camp yet, but I do pray for you guys daily and hope to be at your fundraiser. We sure love you guys! God Bless! Moose and Darcy
