Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday's Frenzy

Diane and I take time each morning to do 1/2 hour of exercises and 1/2 hour to spend time with God. This is only one hour of the day and it's a special time with each other and with God. Our day may start out early but we look forward to it every day, the rewards to our walk with the Lord, our marriage and our health are so mazing it really is the best part of our day. If you never have done this it's worth the time and effort, we've only been married 34 years but even in such a short time it has made a differance. Go figure
The way God works in our lives is so amazing, James, Diane and I were having breakfast this morning and we get a call from John who hauls all the equipment out to the ranch and yesterday brought his own grader out to the ranch for us to use. Well this morning he phoned and he is going to send his operator out to run the grader for the day. Boy when you pit a guy like Ray on a machine that he runs does it ever make a difference and do things ever happen. All our ruts are gone and every where that you look the ground is nice even and level. P.T.L.

James and I moved the tool crib down to the shop area and Larry and James are getting a lot of things organized and ready for winter. The big work table that we built to work on back in May is now able to be dismantled (even though part of it was already done for) so that's done and cleaned up.
Barry finished the roof on the mobile today so we are getting there but I still am not looking forward to snow. I hear that many of you are already blessed with the white stuff.

Terry a friend was driving by today and stopped in to say Hi and that he's always amazed when ever he drives by at how much is always done. As I was running the pay loader today and thanking the Lord for all that He's doing and I look around to see that in only a few short months this flat empty piece of land has been transformed into a testimony of how great a God we serve and how much He loves each and every one of us.

The Armour of God Ephesions 6:13-19
Therefore we put on the full armour of God
so that when the day of evil comes we may be able to stand our ground, and after we have done everything to stand, we'll stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around our waists.
Lord we put on the belt of truth. We choose a life style of honesty and integrety. Show us the truths we so desperatley need today. Expose the lies we're not even aware that we are believing.
With the breastlate of righteousness in place. And yes Lord, we wear your righteousness today against all condemnation and corruption. Fit us with your Holiness and Purity, defend us from all assults against our hearts.
And with our feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. We do choose to live for the gospel at any moment. Show us were the larger story is unfolding and keep us from being so lax that we think the most important thing today is soap opera's of this world.
In addition to all this, we take up the shield of faith, with which we can exstingwish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Jesus we lift against every lie and every assult the confidence that you are good, and that you have good instore for us. Nothing is coming today that can overcome us because you are with us.
We take the helmet of salvation. Thank you Lord, for our salvation. We recieve it in a new and fresh way from you and we declare that nothing can seperate us now from the love of Christ and the place we shall ever have in your Kingdom.
And we take the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. Holy Spirit, show us specifically today the truths of the word of God that we will need to counter the assults and snares of the enemy. Bring them to mind throughout the day. And we pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, we'll be allert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
Finally, Holy Spirit, we agree to walk in step with you in everything -- in all prayer as our spirits commune with you thoughout the day...
We also pray, that when ever we open our mouths, words may be given to us so that we will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen

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