Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday 's blessings


Our landscape is lined with drilling rigs looking for oil and gas both very valuable resources, but we can never forget that our most valuable resource is our children.
A drilling rig needs a lot of attention to go in the right direction and achieve the results that will be profitable and necessary for success. Our children are no different, so what do we expect.

The ranch will be committed to being a place that is safe, strong and a dedicated place to learn. We are so blessed to have so many committed friends to help as we move along as we build the ranch. We are getting more calls every day as to our plans and program for the ranch. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to develop the whole picture and plan for the ranch.

Diane, I and the board of directors of the Battle River Ranch Camp are so overwhelmed by the support and strong afford being put forward by every one, it's like God had this plan and needed it done in this place and he knew the people that would follow it through. Not a day goes by with out a miracle, even the little ones that we often don't even notice are so important.

Diane and I are looking to sharing about the ranch and all it has to offer each and every one of us this week end in Watrous, Sask at the Baptist church morning service. I believe we need to start to look beyond what has become our world that we have become so comfortable and safe in. We have seen so many that have secluded them selves into a small little area and hide from the world around them, thinking that there is nothing they can do any way so what's the use.

So many people today that are helping with the ranch have said that a year ago it was all about what they could do to for themselves and their families, and now they realize there is more to life, a whole lot more and what a difference it's making in their whole family.

Progress continues at a miraculous pace out here at the ranch. We used to wonder what if we get to a point and we have run out of materials to continue what then do we do? Well thank the good Lord that has not happened and so we move ahead at the provided pace. As you all join in to help, this first of it's kind facility will come into reality as a place that God will use to change and improve lives as we help by giving direction and hands on training to those seeking to improve their work skills, place in society and relationship to the God of the universe .

Many of you have said that you are not able to help out as a volunteer but you have held us up in prayer and are constantly calling to up date our prayer needs. Diane, I, James and the board of directors of the Battle River Ranch Camp and the many young men and women that have already benefited from their time at the ranch are forever grateful to each and everyone of you for your contribution and commitment to this incredible Kingdom Building Project. We are getting calls from across Canada as to how one can find out more about the ranch.

Once again thank you so much and may the good Lord bless you and keep you as you seek His purpose in your lives.

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