Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday the start to a great week of more miracles

Mondays used to be the same old same old, well now we at the ranch look forward to Gods blessings on he ranch. As the week progresses and we are faithful to trust that He is our provider and all that we get to witness is directly from the palms of His hands into the lives of His people and so the miracles appear.

One of the greatest blessings happening out at the ranch is that every one that has committed to supporting and working with us have been so blessed. Talking to Jon, who hauls all our equipment back and forth to the ranch with his big trucks says his business has double from last year, and we look around to see so many that are looking for more work, go figure.

The main water line is moving along at a steady pace and we are getting closer all the time to having water at all the needed locations.

Diane's aunt Sandy and here sister Elaine arrived today for a visit and we always have such a great time with them. They will spend some of their time out at the ranch as they are such prayer warriors.

We have gotten a water hydrant installed next to the horse watering trough so we can easily now fill their trough.

Dana and Doug discuss the important issues of the day, in order to solve the problems of the world.

We can never thank Greg enough for all he does for us to keep the financial part of the ranch operating as smooth as it does. God's blessings on you abundantly Greg we appreciate you so much.

The story is told of an atheist spending a quiet day fishing when his boat is attacked by the Lock Nest Monster. The beast tosses him and his boat high into the air, then it opens it's mouth to swallow them both. The man cries out, Oh God help me! Suddenly the attack scene freezes in place. As the atheist hangs in mid air a voice from heaven says, "I though you didn't believe in me!" Come on, God, give me a break, the man pleads , "two minutes ago I didn't believe in the Lock Nest Monster either.

Monday's Prayer Time

We all need prayer so join us and let's pray,

Heavenly Father we love you and praise your name above all names. Please hear the cry of hurting hearts. Lord we ask that you intervene and bring healing to lives and relationships. We don't fully understand why things have happened the way that they have, but Lord please let your glory shine and souls be won to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Oh Lord, many are in circumstances that are hard to comprehend let alone bear. Please bring your courage, strength and the power of the Holy Spirit as your anointed presence surrounds all those involved.
Send your angels to protect and comfort these dear hearts that are hurting. We ask for patience and courage to wait upon you with our faith and trust. Let us see through your eyes with love dear Jesus, at each other. Let us know that no matter what happens that as we ask this, "not by our will" but by "Your will" be done.
Please give us the "strength of faith to trust" that "you are" in the circumstances. That Your righteousness prevails. We wish to see through spiritual eyes full of faith in the face of all these trials and troubles. Lord let us see Your truth of what lies beyond these troubles. Let us keep our minds and hearts focused upon you and Heaven to come. We love you Lord and give you the glory, In Jesus Name we ask all this. Amen.

Rest now in the anointing of the Lord's peace. Give Him all your trust even though things may look bad. He really does love us and that is not just a cute, saying but the truth. You are loved as a kind loving father loves his child. For in truth, you are our Father God's child. Sometimes, no matter how old we get, we just need a great big hug. Can you see His arms opened, waiting? Do you need a hug?
Than come see us at the ranch.

May the Lord bless you and keep you

Your friends Harold and Diane Stephan

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