Wednesday, August 25, 2010


One of many days as I have been so blessed here on the site of the Battle River Ranch camp.  
A donkey named Dusty, Durrant a young man whose father is a Dr. and his mother a nurse choosing to spend his summer learning a lot of life skills and spending time with other men.  

Dave a retired businessman from Alberta heard about the ranch and decided to check it out a couple months ago and never left.  Today he chose to turn down a opportunity to spend 2 weeks in Arizona next month to help make sure the project would be ready for the October 2 fund raising supper. 
And then there is James a young man that has taken the responsibility of supervisor of this entire project.  I do not believe there is anything he will not handle or to learn to handle.
As I met and spent time with Glenda I can see the blessing that this project started with and the prayer covering that will keep it under God's care.
I' not sure that there is anywhere that a person could eat better than what Diane prepares for the whole crew of us each and every day.
Well I just appreciate the opportunity to share a bit of the blessing of being a part of what God is doing here at the Battle River Ranch Camp.  It's worth taking the time and come and see for yourself, you'll not be disappointed.

Vic Eiswerth
Prince George BC

1 comment:

  1. Thank-you Lord for your faithfulness to us
    .It is constant and not limited by our poor understanding .Increase our faith so we can keep our eyes on the Prize which is Jesus Christ.
