Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday the day of change

It was back in the early eighties and I'll never forget the job we were working on that spring. It was a big two story home that a farmer from Eston Sask. was building. I believe he had sold his share of the family farm and was going to do something different with his life. Well it didn't really matter to me, I was only concerned with the fact that we were doing the plumbing and heating on this new house of his. He must of had a few bucks to his name cause this was going to be one really nice shack. He sure wasn't the usual type of customer to work with though, this guy had a lot of problems and you only had to be around him for a little while to realize that he must have left part of his load back on the farm or maybe the shute got left open and lost part of his load that way. He was one of those guys that has a one track mind, it seems no matter what you had to talk to him about he would twist it and next thing he was off on some rant about the same thing he always talked about. It didn't bother me much, I mostly ignored him at those times or I would try to pull him back to reality with a good old dirty joke, or maybe try to take him for a few drinks or something like that. Sometimes I even thought that this guy could go far if he would just snort a few lines and relax a bit, but I wasn't sure if he was ready for that. I was a bit amazed the day he pulled up to my shop on a motorcycle, he was sure big enough to be a biker, but the whole picture just didn't fit. The more he was around, the more I tried to figure him out. Every biker that I had ever known up to that day was nothing like this guy and I hoped that there would be no more like him. There were days that he absolutely drove me nuts. He would just jump into my truck and not even ask what I was doing, he'd just come along for the drive and again, off he'd go on that rant of his about freedom and peace and a new life or a new beginning something like that. After a while he started to grow on ya and well I listened a bit more all the time, often wondering where in the heck he dug up some of the ideas he was passing on. Well I guess if you wonder long enough you'll find out and I did. He said it was all in this book, that he always had with him, he'd say some line or lines about some guys in the book and then get at showing me were he found it. It was like I was starting to even enjoy listening to him and kinda looked forward to seeing him pull up to the shop or our house. It wasn't that long ago I threw the guy out of my house for his weird ideas and now I was thinking maybe he's right. One evening he invited Diane and I over to his house after it was all done and they had moved in and whooh that was one weird evening. The food was great but some of the stuff that was going on, well, put it this way we didn't stay too late at that party.
August 3 / 1983 about 7:30 in the evening I was going over some numbers in my office at our plumbing shop and it didn't look good. We had done a big job for a shopping center as had many contractors in our community and all of us were not getting paid. I knew we were in big trouble and I was scared, ashamed, embarassed and had no idea who or where to turn. I felt like a failure to my family. Here I was, this big new shop and all these employees, a real big shot but really I was about to lose it all and then what. As I sat there, guess who walked in, you guessed it, that weird biker, farmer, pastor guy with his book under his arm where he always kept it. He called it his sword, how weird is that? For a long time I wondered where he got that from. Not a good time for him to walk in as I was busy tying to figure out what to do next and how I would get thru this mess I had gotten myself into. But, as usual, he just sat down and and asked how was I doing. Well I started tell him about all that was happening and how I was not sure how I was going to deal with it all. That's when it all ended, as he said all I had to do was give God a chance and if I would invite Jesus into my life and if I believed Jesus Died for my sins then He would give me hope and a new life to live. Right there I knew this was the best option and it really was and we have never looked back. P.T.L. Today that weird guy no longer seems so weird, he has one really big church in Edmonton and heads up a great Christian motorcycle club with riders all across North America. He was right, give God a chance and hang on.
1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness"
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"
Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord"
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

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