Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday surprise

Why would anyone pay money to go all the way to Mexico for some sun, when all you have to do is come out to the ranch? Today we got so burned and so much sun and as usual very little wind, but we got so much done and again we had a lot of fun doing it. We had a lot of great food as Elisa and Blaine came out with the kids to help today and as usual brought more food to put on our fire pit. Our friend Dawn dove from Heisler all the way here today to come see the ranch. She got lost on her way out to the ranch and stopped in to ask for directions at a farm and had such a good conversation with the folks there that it took almost a half an hour to find out she wasn't lost. She said you sure are blessed and have very nice neighbors by the ranch. Today we had Larry, John, Ryan, Blaine, Elsia, Jake, Hailey, and Glenda oh ya and also Rapture and Rusty out working. That reminds me, we now have several less gophers on the ranch, as Rapture seems to play a bit rough with them especially after he catches them in his mouth. Everywhere that we have lived we have always tried to make sure that the new people in our neighbourhood were always made to feel welcome. We certainly feel welome as neighbours stop in to say high and just talk. Thank you to all of you that are making us feel so welcome. And to those of you who have not stopped in yet please do. Hopfully we will have the coffee on soon and a place for you to sit and rest and let us fill you in on who we are and what we want to accomplish.

Psalm 112:4
"Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man."

1 comment:

  1. They are serious! Come check out the Stephan Family! Seeing them in action is remarkable! I thankyou again for such a wonderful time! All I offered was doing haircuts and when I offered that little bit of easy work to bless you guys, the BLESSING I gave you came back 100 fold! NO WONDER you are magnets! God is got his fingerprints and annointing all over you and this Ranch Project! I still am thanking God for what he gave back to me for stepping out to give to you! So many believe in this project and God keeps providing to show his approval! AMEN!
