Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday's Frenzy

It's all going to come down to a time when we will all be asking the same questions.
- What was my purpose for living - Did I make a differance in any one's life - Where am I going next. How
many people live a life without purpose just moving through the motions kind of a cloan thing? I remember a fellow plumber once said to me I can live how I want to, do what I want to, and as long as I'm not hurting anyone else I'll be just fine. I'm a good person and that's what really matters. As a believer in Jesus Christ our purpose is to share the forgivness of our sins and the hope of eternal life by the shed blood of Jesus Christ to each and every one we cross paths with and when nessasary even to use words. Not every one will accept it but that is up to them to choose. There were two criminals on crosses beside Jesus, one to the left and one to the right and in the last moments of their lives you can read about the choices that they made for their destiny. Luke 23 : 39 to 43 tells the story of how it ended for these two on death row. If a person has no duty or destiny, the next logical step is that a man has no value. You are valuble if your name has a Dr. in front of it or ph.d. on the end of it. You are valuble if you have a six-figure salary and drive a fancy car. Value has come down to two criteria, appearance and performance. Pretty tough system, isn't it? U Tube is looking for people to do videos about human rights issues and I believe a video needs to be done about all the people being brought into this country to work and our youth are once again being left out. If there ever was a human rights issue our youth that are humans, have a right to be trained with a life skill or trade. Please pray that at the ranch we will be able to train up and help many young men and women to enter the work force with skill and confidence and as Jerry Ritz our ag minister hopes for training places like this everywhere. John 15 : 13 "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

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