Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday can't beat that day

As we draw closer to the birth of our Lord and Savior I hope we all allow our hearts to be softened, that we will receive a bit of the most wonderful event that ever happened, for the hope of all mankind. Probably the hardest thing to watch for Diane and I is the way society has become so hardened to what really happened in that stable long ago and yet how it can change the hardest of hearts. We had lunch after church at friends home, where we all brought some food. As usual Diane and I brought sushi. The fellowship was great but what really was great was the story a friend of ours told about how a job she had years ago. She would do massage and comfort people as they were facing the last days of their lives. She told us about a few of the people and how she was blessed to be a part of their lives and about those that chose to invite Jesus into their lives in those last days. One patient she told us about was a hardened con that was serving a life sentence and that she did what she had to do even though he was as hard and cold as you can imagine. She always told him about the freedom and the love that Jesus had for him as she cared for him as best as she could. I don't think she saw a lot of hope in him but then just days before he died as she was caring for him she saw him totally change. He just seemed to soften and then she said the tears flowed from his eyes and he received Jesus as his Lord and Savior. P.T.L. We can never give up, there is always hope, even for those who seem the most hopeless.
Then we had a wonderful afternoon with family and friends, celebrating Hailey's third birthday, so much joy these little ones bring into our lives. We are so thankful for family!
We can mock and make fun of Christianity as we all have done or are doing, like a couple of guys who went at me in Kyle Sask. in a restaurant while Joey and I were having breakfast early one morning. Our semi was parked out front with all the decals, murals and paintings all over the tractor, and the name Crossman Ministries on the doors. So they were having a hay day as they asked finally what would any one ever haul with that outfit. Well as we sat there and seeing Joey with that look he gets, praying for me and knowing God would give me something to say when the time was right. So I told them that we hauled Bibles, sound equipment, climbing walls, basketball nets, puppet stage and lots more. That we would come into a community like this and work with the local churches to share the gospel and the love of Jesus with their community. Well he said you wouldn't have a lot of luck around this town as he doubted that no more than maybe 10% of people in this town even went to church. I asked them to look outside and tell me what they could see. The loudest guy said, "well I see a school and homes, some farms and businesses, why?" Well, I said, "you know that our forefathers came to this country years ago, worked the hard ground of the prairies until the hard ground was soft and ready to receive seed and produce a crop so that they and their families had food and money to live on. They were blessed to live here, where all but maybe 10% of people attended church on Sundays and daily gave thanks for the blessings they had. From there they built a country by God's help that we all get to enjoy today. But now that we have it all, who needs God any more, we are like spoiled kids once you have it all who cares how or where or who we got it from? Most have forgotten that it was on bended knee, blood, sweat and tears and the strength they received from God that we have all that we do today." After those guys finished their breakfast the loud character came over and he apologized and asked me for one of our cards. I believe there are a lot of hurting, scared and empty people out there without a lot of hope, that have just forgotten where it all started and who we need to thank every day. Those of us, even though we are imperfect people, still have to carry the message of hope that was born in that manger, in a stable over 2000 years ago and work the heard hearts of humanity with the plows of compassion and love until they will recieve the seed of hope. And once again our communities will grow strong and united and a have a future for the next generation. Once we were back behind the wheel of that big rig and heading down the highway shifting gears, Joey looked at me and said, "Dad that was awesome and man did they ever hear from God today." We're so proud of Joey, because today he continues to be a mighty man of God. He is not afraid to stand up for the truth, and to let everyone know that their hope has to be in Jesus for real success in their lives. Joey and Melissa, his wife, have done so much to help others and it is exciting to watch how God is using them. Miracle of the day has to be how Pastor Lyle can hear and share so much truth and wisdom every Sunday that blesses so many. Whatever you are going through right now, go to the foot of the cross, drop it, leave it there, cause all you need is Jesus. Luke 2:32

1 comment:

  1. what a cool story!! i kept checking to see when Sundays would be up..i was just about to go to bed and i thought..ill check one more time! Thanks for the neat story! goodnight! Harold and Diane! you guys are great! Love ya!
