Thursday, December 31, 2009

We all have learned from others, we start out learning from our parents and family, then as we move out of the house we start to pick up from friends and others that happen to come into our lives as we walk this journey of life. We have a choice as to the life we want to live even though many believe the life they have is because of the way the cards were delt to them. Each and every one of us no matter where or how we came into the world have a free will and the opportunity to choose the direction of our lives, no matter the situation we are born into. Some of us may feel we are in a hopless situation today and what's the use. I just today recieved a email from a friend and his son- in-law has been missing since yesterday and he was in a very depressed state of mind when last seen, he's asked that we all pray for his son- in-law. To so many, the new year seems hopless and there seems to be no where to turn to, even some churches seem more focused on themselves and the condition of their buildings then the condition of the lost around them. I was once told that it's like the banking system if the servicing cost is too high don't get involved, be smart with your money and invest wisely. I've found that one way or another there will always be a cost when we pick up our cross and follow Jesus, as we seek and draw the lost to back to Him. When you imagine the scene at the cross one criminal hurling insults at Jesus but the other seeing the hope even at the end cried out to Jesus " remember me when you come into your kingdom." But as absurd as it may appear, that's exactly what happened. He who deserved hell got heaven, and we are left with a puzzle, a riddle. What for goodness sake was Jesus tring to tell us? What was he trying to prove by pardoning this strong arm thug, who in all probability had never said grace, much less done anything to deserve it? You see if there was anything Jesus wanted everyone of us to understand, it was this. A person is worth something simply because he is a person. He created us all. That is why he treated people the way He did. Just think about it. It had nothing to do with the cost it was all about the cause and compassion for the lost. If anyone was ever worthless, this one was. If any man ever deserved dying, this man probably did. If any fellow was ever a looser, this fellow was at the top of the list. Perhaps that's why Jesus chose this fellow to show us what His purpose was and where our focus needs to be. So all in all it makes me smile to think that there is a grinning ex-con walking the golden streets of heaven who knows more about grace than many that sit in our churches today. For your new year's resolution give God a chance, try Him at His word for six months and see what He'll do for you. What the heck, if you don't like what you've become your old life will be waiting for you.
Most of us will live the first 22 years of our lives give or take 2-4 years seeking who we are. The next 22 years give or take 2-4 years we will live out who we have chosen to become. Then the final 22 years give or take 2-4 years we will get to enjoy the fruit of the life that we chose!!! Choices again go figure!!!!

The ranch will be a place that life choices will be easier, with positive and productive input into their lives everyday, that's got to be a good thing.


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