Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday Report

When I was a young man, most people who new me would have thought I was pretty messed up and when I think about it most everyone around was pretty messed up. I married the most beautiful girl in the world, we did some travelling, had a nice motorcycle, great job as a plumbing apprentice and lots of friends we even lived on a little acreage had some pigs and chickens and a great Dog named Boomer that loved me. I mean what more could a man ask for?
Really I should have been the happiest man on the planet. But deep down on the inside, I was a mixed up, confussed miserable human being. One day I heard the word of God preached like I never heard before and deep deep down I knew it was the way to go. My brother in law even said to me once that I didn't have a chance, that there were so many people praying for me that my life was soon going to change. I believe the only limitations we we have are the ones we place on ourselves. I believe God is calling every single person, every man, woman and child to Him to a higher level of existance. Sadly some will reject His calling in exchange for acceptance of the world around them no matter how destructive it may be.
God wants us to break free and break loose from every fence, every restraint, and every confinement that Satan or the world has tried to place on us. None of us has to live under those conditions unless we choose. I sometimes remember that Roy Rogers song, DON'T FENCE ME IN? We need to say that often to the devil. It's just another way of telling him I will not accept his boundries. I refuse to be fenced in!
Look at what Jesus said in John 17:
My prayed is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. John 17:15-17 (NIV)
As long as you and I are on this planet, we're going to be confronted by challenges. And yet we don't have to be defeated or go along with them like the rest of the world. There's something that separates us that the world doesn't have working for them. God's word THE TRUTH. Maybe it's time to give God a chance and I bet there's a great church not far from your house.
The miracle of the day has to be the timely messages from friends, friends that encourage us to keep writing the blog, that it makes a difference in their life and they let you know it's worth it all. Also knowing they are praying for us every day. P.T.L. Thanks so much, you know who you are! The power of praise, don't forget to praise the Lord, it is so powerful!

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of that Casting Crowns song "Voice of Truth" Thanks Bro for sharing your day. God Bless You Man!
