Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday Report

Greenhouse operators are always looking for qualified workers. I have had people ask me why we want to have a green house on the ranch and often I will explain the obvious reasons of being able to grow ones own food and to learn about the love it takes to prepare, nurture, water and care for a plant till it produces fruit of its own. The reason a green house can be so productive is of the canopy that has been constructed to produce an environment that is conducive to growth, the canopy is the barrier that protects the tender new growth within from destructive outside elements.
Our churches are to be a canopy where the lost world can seek refuge from the outside elements. Our lives as Christians should be a canopy that the lost and searching can see and seek refuge in. The Bible talks about a canopy of praise, worship and safety. Psalm 27:5-6
The Battle River Ranch camp will be a canopy where hope will be poured into the lives of many men and women who are desperate to know their purpose and and destiny in life. The canopy that protects the new and helps the mature to grow must be insulated with Love , Acceptance , and Security. What an honour today to be asked if Diane and I could help this child of God to ask Jesus into their life. Then we were asked when they could be baptised P.T.L.!
Had a meeting with some of the board members to make sure we keep on track getting all the paper work completed in a right manner. We are so thankful to have a wonderful board that is so willing to do what it takes to keep things running smoothly. We are so blessed! Thanks guys!
And then what a blessing to have Rance Ball and his wife, Ruth stay with us for a couple of days, Rance is going to help us with the green house design for the ranch. Rance and Ruth are so full of wisdom in so many areas. God is so good bringing so many into our lives every day with whatever wisdom we need at the time. P.T.L.
Keep your eyes on Jesus the author and perfector of your faith. Sing a new song unto the Lord!

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