Monday, November 9, 2009

Mondays momentum

We put on hundreds of miles today driving all over Nova Scotia, as we traveled from one poling station to the next picking up reports and scrutinizing and making a few last minute house calls answering peoples questions. I don't think I have seen or heard so much fear in people voices ever before. It seems so many are afraid of what's going to happen next, and how are we going to survive. Maybe this vaccine or that new investment or this new way of positive thinking will work. I'm not much of a Bible scholar but I think there were people in the Bible that were just like these people and so they started and I believe they completed the construction of a golden calf, it looked good and was very impressive and every one else seemed to be voting for the golden calf to be the way to go so let's stick with the majority and what looks like a winner even though these golden calves have never come through before but maybe this time it won't be as bad as all the other times. Then if all else fails and eventually if we really have to, we can always go back to Moses, and- and- and to God. The bottom line is that history has shown over and over again that societies are willing to sacrifice the next generation for there own selfish gain. There is so much to be excited about and hopeful for beyond anything we can imagine, if only we would give God a chance. Not just wherever we seem to think God, is able but in all of our lives. 1 Corinthins 2:9

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