Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday, Sunday can't beat that day

Little warmer this morning but as you can tell by the pictures it is very windy!
and most of the snow is gone we had a little more time this morning and got a chance to visit with Pete and Fran. Fran made us a wonderful breakfast before we left. We've been so blessed to be able to stay here with them! Pete has been clean and sober for 30 years and doing great. We got talking about the ranch and the work that would be done there as we help men and women to develop life skills. Pete says that what we will be doing is giving these people tools to work with and as he spent 35 years in the military he realized that if you really want to, you can learn and have a better life. We finally left at 9:45 for church with Jim (the leader of the Christian Heritage Party) and had a good 1/2 hour drive to the church. The service was absolutely great and pastor Lennett Anderson (who is also is a speaker for Promise Keepers) blessed us all with a great and lively message. The church is mostly black people and boy was that place ever rocking! The people were so loving and welcoming, we truly felt blessed in every way. After church was over I picked up two DVD's of the service to share with you all and then we headed for Halifax and Peggy's Cove. We met with Jerry and Leslie so we could travel together. We wanted to show Jerry, Diane and Jason the ocean and the cove as they hadn't been before. We spent about 2 hours there and had a small lunch and then headed back to Halifax to Louise's home, where we had a great time of fellowship and food. We also had to plan our strategy for tomorrow, (Monday) as it's election day here in Nova Scotia for our leader's riding. So we will be busy scrutinizing and doing some last minute door knocking. We were also able to share the ranch vision with more people and gave them all information packages. The thing I realize more and more each day is that each and everyone of us is called by God for a purpose. What a shame to think about those who are so ashamed of what they have become that they cannot accept the fact they are using their shortcomings as a crutch. If only they will come to the place they can let go and let God have a chance to lift them up and out of the pit that they are in. Many times we put on a great image, but we are still in that old pit of our making, because it's a familiar and safe place to be. I believe God is speaking to someone today and this is not the day to give up, but rather to press on and give God a chance. If there were a thousand steps between you and God, God will take all the steps to you accept the last step and that's the only step you need to take. God is a gentleman and will not force His will on us, so we need to take that one step to God. Judges 6:14 God bless you all and hope you all had a great Sunday and a wonderful worship time with your church body wherever you are.


  1. Reminds me of the song "Mercy Came Running" and how God runs to us, like the Prodigal Son, coming down the road, God is watching for us and runs to meet us when he sees us. What an awesome God we serve! Bless you guys as you serve our God out in the Maritimes and always remember our thoughts and prayers are with you! Blessings! Moose

  2. Miss you guys, we had an awesome evening service last night. Praying for an awesome breakthrough for Nova Scotia.

