Monday, November 23, 2009

Mondays momentum

'In the last days', God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams'. Acts 2:17

Nearly everything we see and experience in this world that comes from the efforts of our fellow man is the result of what was once only a dream or vision. The computer you are reading this from or the chair you are seated in, were first in the mind of a person.That's the power in dreaming or in visions. One man,,William Lloyd Garrison had a dream/vision to abolish slavery. He dared to dream this in a day (early 1800's) when slavery in the US was economically profitable. Note, even the influential governing body of one church declared that slavery was instituted by God. But Garrison had a dream, a vision. For over 30 years he risked his life and fortune to publish a newspaper called the Liberator.He is one of many examples that continued on believing in his dream and it became reality.I wonder where the seed of that dream started, huuuumm....
When you discover your purpose, you will feel it's demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a desire to get to work on it. Sometimes you will awake with new thoughts and ideas and know that God is guiding you in this purpose. Or maybe we will be caught up in someone else's dream/vision and be part of it to help bring it along and into reality.Be mindful to test it, check in with Holy Spirit's direction.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.Rom12:2
God's word says, ASK, SEEK, KNOCK, we believe in the dream of a better future for the next generation? Are we having faith in evidence not always seen? He says have faith, stand firm, I will never leave you nor forsake you...we are to be His hands & feet.Sometimes it's hard to hang on and fight the good fight but again He says, do not grow weary in well doing.
They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount up on wings as eagles...
His word says where two or more are gathered and are in agreement.....
So, prayer partners, continue to stand in the gap praying for each other, Gods will, direction and provision.
For God also says, " I know the plans I have for you...."
Praise be to our Father, Son, Holy Spirit....Hallelujah!
Stand firm,my friends,have faith. I had the oppertunity to sit in on a meeting with local school officials and teachers concerning a student one of many that was having some struggles and after the meeting was over and I was sitting in the van I realized the ranch will be a far greater asset to our community than any of us ever would have known. If God is with us who can be against. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Today lets prepare to in some small or large way to pass on a bit of hope or a lot of hope, but I guess that a bit of hope for some could be a lot of hope. Thanks to Louise for her help with this blog.

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