Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday, Sunday can't beat that day

I remember a Sunday many years ago about 40 or so to be close. It was a cold wintry day and
about 4:00 in the afternoon my older brother Erwin went down to the barn and haltered up our
horse, King. He then hooked him up to the old stone boat that had a layer of frozen manure all
over it from cleaning the barn. He grabbed a couple of fresh hay bales and set them on the
stone boat for shelter, he then came up to the house where our mom had me all bundled up for
the trip and we headed across the field to Uncle Jake, Aunt Lucy's and our cousins place to watch
the Walt Disney show on their TV, as we didn't have one yet. The ride there and back was what
I really remember, the way old king pulled us through and over all that snow, with his big
hooves punching through the crusty snow. His face was all covered in frost and ice but he didn't
seem to mind he just knew that it was what he was supposed to do. And when we got back home
later Erwin unhooked King and put him back in the warm barn with the cows and the other farm
animals. That's kind of the way life still is for most of us here on the prairies, we need to get
our transportation ready, then bundle up, head out get to where we are going, do what needs to
be done and get back home where it's warm. Sometimes we as Christians forget we have a job
with a huge responsibility, that is to never stop living, sharing and letting our lives draw those
that are lost to a life with Jesus. One million people commit their lives to Jesus per week right
now and 75% of all Christians have become believers in the last five years. In reality our jobs
are just our hobbies, our full time occupation should be doing the work of Christ as we live out
our daily lives. But fear seems to shut down what we have been taught on Sundays and we
become just like everyone else and that's not what Jesus wants. I don't believe it's what those
that are searching expect to see in us either.
Have a great night and a good day tomorrow! Read Romans 8:35-39
That's who we are,
Harold and Diane

1 comment:

  1. Good Day Friends,
    Thanks for sharing your memories ~ we have many as well of Juli's Grandpapa riding us through the cold, snow covered fields in a sleigh or caboose...these have touched her beyond measure & I'm sure spark her excitement about The Ranch.
    Thanks for sharing His Word today as well ~ they spark the foundation of my prayers...God Bless Your Day!!!
    Love & Hugs ~ Amanda & Juli :) :)
