Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

Walking in the door after our meeting tonight there is a loaf of the most delicious, fresh loaf of homemade raisin bread on our counter that you ever saw. So here we are sitting around the computer eating toasted fresh raisin bread with honey on it, beat that treat. What a blessing to have such friends that care about us so much. When everything seems to be out of our control I guess it's best to sit back turn the controls over to the one who is really in control and enjoy the ride. I remember Diane and I were in South Dakota on a bike trip and the day was great, Diane was sitting behind me and listening and learning German on cassette tape, I took a look in my left mirror as usual and there, I had to take a second look as I could see cassette tape stretching for quite a ways behind us. I asked Diane what is going on? She replied that the tape had gotten away on her in the wind and she was trying to save it by pulling it back in but the more she tried the more got away on her. I said throw it far before it gets caught up in the wheel and that's what she did. The whole thing was so funny that we laughed for next 50 miles So when a situation gets out of control sometimes it's best to let go and have a really good laugh and then keep going. We got to hear an incredible testimony tonight about a lady that was never allowed to cry or show any emotions while growing up. The home was all about covering everything up, hiding it all so no one can see that you might be weak or that you might not be perfect. That maybe you even make a mistake or two. Many lives have been destroyed because we "aren't supposed to go there" or the old saying "don't make a mountain out of a mole hill." Several years ago a good friend of ours, Randy, who rode hard and played hard, phoned me one evening. This was a guy that had the police afraid to go near him and yet to us Randy was a little bit crazy some times but we loved him to bits and he would do anything for our kids. Anyway he called one evening and he seemed scared and there were things bothering him so we just talked and I told him it'll be alright. A month later I got to do the eulogy at his funeral. I know we can't take it personal but I should have read between the lines. Randy was reaching out for help. We are hoping that at the ranch we will be able to make a little bit of a difference in peoples lives so that they will know that someone cares. That they were created for a purpose and they are not alone. If you feel alone tonight, find a Bible somewhere and go to where my father showed me to read from when I was sitting up late with him one night when he was not doing so well. That was the 23rd Psalm and after reading that to him he said to me don't ever forget what you just read. That was the first and last time we ever read the Bible together. But it did stick. P.T.L! And don't forget Give God a chance, and maybe pray for someone tonight.

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