Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

"PURPOSE" - you would not believe how many people have no idea what this word means, especially when it refers to one's self. Well, the dictionary says purpose means: reasons for existence, the reason for which something exists, or for which it has been made or created. Can you imagine wrapping your mind around the notion that maybe each and everyone of us has been created for a certain purpose. WOW can you imagine each and everyone of us was created for a specific purpose and if you can throw another element into this pot, what if, now bear with me for a moment, what if instead of choosing your own purpose for your life you went to the creator and had Him show you what He created you for. Because if you were doing what you were created to do wouldn't life be a whole lot easier and productive. Just think you would be excited about going to work every day and whatever you did would be so productive. Now also if your building a kingdom for a king your needs would always be met. I believe our purpose in this life is to build God's kingdom and not our own and that our portfolio would be filled with assets that reflect our hearts desire to honour God and see many come to know our Lord and Savior. How many people are asked, "what is your purpose for living?" and most will reply, "what do you mean purpose, I don't know or who knows that? How sad. What is your purpose for living, what did the Maker of the heavens and the earth create you to do and be?
Something to think about if you haven't before.

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