Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saturday surprise

One winter when I was working underground in a potash mine and after our shift was over we had all came up from underground which was 3,3oo feet below ground level. I was training as a loader operator behind one of the miners, but as I was saying as we all came up from underground and stepped out of the cage which was another name for an elevator. We all headed down a long hallway to where our lockers and the showers were. After a shift underground and because of all the heat at the face of where we were mining potash, the heat was so intense you would sweat a lot and your clothes were full sweat and salt dust. So, naturally the first thing every one had to do was shower and wash our work clothes. I had no sooner showered up and was rinsing the soap out of my hair and as I opened my eyes a cup full of laundry soap hit me square in the face filling my eyes, nose and mouth with laundry soap. It took a couple days until my eyes were cleared and I could see properly again. The guy that threw the soap into my face was a guy that was filled with a lot of bitterness and anger and he treated most people the same way but especially trainees. Over the years I've watched as trainees that work hard to attempt to learn a trade are treated with such a lack of respect of any kind that they can't possibly learn. Theres is a lot of problems in the work force today and most trainees are not getting the chance they need to move ahead. A lot of young men and women today need to have the opportunity to find out where there skills are and when they find that out many of them will steer away from the drugs and alcohol that destroys so many families today. I've heard it said over and over again that God is nothing more than a crutch for the weak. I believe the bigger crutch is drugs and alcohol and when a person can walk away from the crutch of drugs and alcohol and check out who God created them to be just as they are, it's the first step in creating a man or women that will impact their community in a way like no other. Most all of our learning institutions today were founded on the foundation and belief that God was real and with His guidance nothing was impossible. The ranch can and will make a difference for all of us no matter who or where you are. We believe it's a small step for God but a huge leap for mankind. P.T.L.
Hope you go to church tomorrow and don't go to look for hypocrites. Don't look at the next guy. See who you can reach out to. Just go and listen and God will talk to you about the next turn in the highway and how to deal with what's ahead. Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

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