Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday surprise

Yesterday we talked about the cost of all the courts , jails, police and the list goes on and on as our society seeks self gratification as one's right and if it feels good for me than I have a right to do it, who says I'm wrong. Without God as head of our lives and as the only standard in history of right and wrong, society is riding a runaway freight train and nearing a destroyed bridge over a bottomless cavern and all we seem to be able to do to avoid accepting what's ahead is to not look beyond our own personal satisfaction.
We make feeble attempts to mitigate these moral issues by passing all laws from all levels of government in an attempt to keep faulty character in check. But expecting governments to take care of every one's needs because of behavioral choices, their own or others, is not only costly, it is ineffective. More money thrown at problems will not develop character. Character can only be developed by inner transformation, self-reflection and spiritual renewal through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The more we avoid talking about morality, righteousness and spiritual reality, the more society moves toward external controls in the form of laws, programs and government control.
The recent financial crisis was driven by faulty character - bad self government - greed and dishonesty.
Another massive cost of lack of lack of self government is the breakdown of the family. The explosive social, emotional and fiscal cost of divorce and family dissolution has indebted governments beyond imagination. Families where fathers are absent, some even living at home in what seems to be a spiritually secure and financially secure home and yet fathers are absent from the lives of their wives and children. They can be great at building wealth and position but never take the time to understand why their daughter is having so many struggles, or his son spends most of his time with others. Children from broken or dysfunctional homes [rich or poor] some researchers say, will have about an 80% chance of living in poverty. While the children from a home with a Mother and Father, mom and dad committed to their marriage and regular prayer time have about a 90% chance of never living in poverty. As Governor Huckabee said, "If you want to treat poverty strengthen families."
The God of relationships has given us some helpful direction like, "love your neighbour as yourself, do justice and mercy, and seek first the kingdom of God." If we would only give God a chance, that freight train would slow down and the bridge would be safe and strong enough to cross over the cavern with all the hope and future we need.
God is looking for a few good people, I'm reminded of William Wilberforce [a hero for humanity] and what his granddaughter said in Kevin Belmonte's book as he provides in his study of Wilberforce, is the humanity of the man, the total self sacrifice undertaken for the love of his fellow sisters and bothers whose fate he reckoned emanated from the greed and inhumanity of mankind. Charles Colson said Wilberdforce gave himself fully to Jesus Christ and it was no casual commitment. Amazing what God can do when given a chance.
God has blessed many of us with the ability to help change the direction of many lives and as we work together, Diane and I are so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of that change and so thankful to all of you that stand by us, as we provide an opportunity to improve and change lives for so many. May God continue to richly bless you all.

Today we encourage you to get fired up and go for it and help us make a difference building the ranch.

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