Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday the day of change

Mexico, when I think of Mexico some of the things I think of are hot, very hot. In fact the only thing that Mexico and Canada have in common this time of the year is that you can't walk outside with bare feet, in Canada your feet would freeze and in Mexico your feet would burn, how crazy is that. Yesterday, Diane and I shared of how she lost her glasses when a huge wave wiped us all out as we were sitting in lawn chairs in the water. We also met a lot of really neat people, a cousin of my dad's and his wife from our home town were staying in the same hotel and we met with them a few times. We met up with so many more people from all over North America.
It was great to watch, as the local people did all they could to accommodate us and take care of us and our needs. One day as I was talking to a fellow from Kentucky who was a regular visitor to this resort, I mentioned to him about how out our balcony just below was a Gold's gym and all the people that we saw showing up every day to work out had some really nice cars, trucks and motorcycles. But what was really interesting was that as the clients drove up in their vehicles there were several guys that would rope off a section of the parking area, and they would care for the cars that were parked in their area. While the people were in working-out these guys would make sure the vehicles were safe and they would wash and polish the vehicles. Then, when the owners came out to leave, they would pay them for watching and cleaning their vehicles. It was a way to generate income and he said the economy in Mexico was different than most, because they have no unemployment or welfare payment system and so everyone looks for work or starves. The people who have the resources have no problem paying those that are in need because they all look after each other. He said it's quite a system but generally it works quite well. We believe that we need to be more aware of the needs of those in our community and look out for each other and the needs of those in our society who can't make it on their own. We are doing everything we can with daily meetings and presentations but we really need your help to make the difference needed in our communities. We have had people try to tell us that we are wasting our time and money that we really can't make a difference, that things are the way they are and that's it. But in the last 25 years we have run our business as an outreach to help others that need another chance in life and we can tell you story after story of people that today are working and today are having a positive impact on society and the world that they live in.
We know today that if God gets your heart and you allow Him to work through your heart real changes start to happen. So if your life seems dry and empty and everything around you seems to be falling apart, where hope seems to be for others and has somehow missed you leaving you floating out at sea in rough water with no oars or any type of lifejacket than why not give the God of hope a chance. Maybe you've seen people in churches that seem to be living lives worse than many others, but always remember Jesus came for the sick not the healthy and we are all a work in progress. It's always the heart that first draws people not character first, so give God and God alone your whole heart and that's when your world will shine no matter the circumstance.
Romans 10:8-10 But what does it say? The Word is near you; it is in your mouth and your HEART, that is, the Word of faith we are proclaiming. "That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your HEART that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your HEART that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." As the scripture says, Anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame.
Miracle of the day was the opportunity to share the ranch vision with Pastor Heath Jeffery at New Life Community Church and their youth pastor, Kevin Reid. Found out we met Kevin before when we lived in Caronport and he climbed the climbing poles we had set up in the Chapel foyer for Youth Quake. Lots of great memories! They are very interested in being a part of the Ranch Project. P.T.L. God is Good all the time....
Just give Him a chance, do up your seat belt and hang on.

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