Monday, March 8, 2010

Mondays momentum

Do you ever wish we could just miss Mondays and not have to deal with all that comes with this hectic day?Seems there's always way too much to deal with and I've been told that a man can only take in seven items at a time then he has to eject something on his list of seven, I thank God for my beautiful wife. Well Diane and I seem to have more paper work to do every week, and Monday seems to be the day we try and get it all caught up. Our weekend went well, more doors opening all the time, from new potential supporters, to cement trucks and forms to keep all the concrete in place. With the weather getting a whole lot nicer we are getting anxious to get started building out at the Ranch.
Starting a ministry definitely has it's challenges. There is no end to advise. Diane and I could spend at least 2 days a week just listening to advise by well meaning people. All in all it's about faith, the faith to believe that the God that gave us this vision will carry it to completion. Some believe that everything should just drop into our hands if it's Gods will. The birds of the sky are always well fed but they don't sit in their nest and wait for the food to drop into the nest, they need to get out and gather it or they may go hungry. Diane and I are doing presentation after presentation and we believe that God has put it on the hearts of a lot of people to help with this project. Some people we have not even done a presentation to yet and they have heard about the ranch and are wanting to help out. We are so grateful to all of you that are already a part of this Canadian ministry that is and will minister to the people of our country in training and developing trades and life skills. A friend stopped us last evening as Diane,Rapture and I were out on a walk. She encouraged us to press on and that not a day goes by that she doesn't see the need for the ranch to be going as soon as possible. She said that so many young people need Dads in their lives, especially young men who don't know how to be men or how to eventually be a dad that will make a difference in the lives of his children. As a counsellor once said to us many men today, are wrapped up in excelling at being alcoholics, drug addicts, workaholics, having the most toyaholics, power hungry believing the more money they have the better it will be, and totally out of touch with their families and the importance of just being a DAD. One guy said after he told me he wasn't going to help us, " I suppose you feel like giving up." The world is full of "giving up on what is right" and thinking only about ourselves. I suppose we could have that winter home in Arizona or the big house and all the toys. We are not going to give up, we will press on as long as God gives us breath. The newspaper reporter asked us the other day, "what's in this for you?" Good question, so if you have time we'd love to tell you the answer over a cup of tea or coffee. Mother Teressa once said, "it's not about being successful it's about being faithful."
Galations 6:9&10
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

Thank you for taking the time to view our blog. Battle River Ranch Camp is a non profit organization that is focused on developing trades and life skills, training opportunities for men and women that are searching and find it hard to get the opportunity to develop a productive life skill. Many men and women today have no idea what they could be good at or how to find out their possible skill area or level. We are a faith based training center. Harold and Diane Stephan left a life filled with addictions and their journey has taken them through different twelve step programs and life recovery through a relationship and healing process with Jesus Christ. We would love to hear from you and if you feel this is a program and facility that you would like to be more involved with or support financially we would love to talk to you.

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