Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saturday surprise

Harold wondered if his father would ever be the same again. Seemed these days Harold was doing more and more of what his father always did to keep this operation productive and prosperous. He was having problems with keeping the help he needed, it seemed no one wanted to work for him and he couldn't figure out why. Seemed the more he pushed them to do what he told them to do, the less and less they followed orders, and work and customer orders were getting behind. Something had to change and it had to happen soon or he was not sure he could go on this way without loosing control. He had had a lot of time to think today as he was a long way from home, checking men and herds at the far end of their land.
Arnie's father Jethro spent most of his days sitting high on the front deck that overlooked the entire south half of their land. From this point he could see for miles and that 's what he seemed to do day after day. Jethro finally realized, he hadn't been the father to his boys that he should have been. He had gotten so busy with building an empire that he had lost focus on what was most important and now what was the use. What good would it do anymore if his sons were not together with him to work this farm. He also realized that if he had had his priorities right God would have blessed his efforts. His wife was right God needed to have priority in his life, home and operation.
This was a different young man coming closer to his fathers land and the place he once called home. It sickened him as he thought back to that day over two years ago when he recklessly and with no respect for his family demanded his inheritance, and without a second glance rode away from all that God had blessed him. Now he had lost it all, wasting it on a wild lifestyle, and what for? Now look at what it has gotten him. Suddenly he heard hoof beats behind him and when he turned to look back he recognized it was his fathers main foreman Willy. When Willy got close enough to recognized that it was Arnie, he jumped off his horse and ran up to Arnie with with the biggest hug that Arnie had had in a long time. Arnie had missed those hugs from this man of God. He had always had such wisdom and insight to share with him and had cared for Arnie and his brother like a father. They held each other for what seemed like forever, the tears of joy were uncontrollable and when the two could finally talk Willy told of the condition that his father and brother were in, and how the ranch was failing. Willy also could tell that the careless young man that had left this place those years ago was not the same man that stood before him today. Willy knew it would not be easy for Arnie to return and face his family but he also knew it was God's timing and it was the right time. Willy invited Arnie up to ride the last miles with him but Arnie chose to walk, so he could spend more time seeking the Lord, as he knew only God could do what had to be done in these next few miles. He knew what had to take place when he arrived at the ranch. Willy as usual understood and he knew that this was all about God's purpose for this family and the future of those that lived and worked on this place. Willy rode on ahead to check on the other men and their progress before heading back to the ranch yard as he knew this was no time or place for him to be, yet............
To be finished tomorrow ...........OK.

Luke 15:17 "When he came to his senses, he said "How many of my fathers hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father and say to him............"

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