Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mondays momentum

It's been more like Monday's tornado, what a day this has been. Diane and I started out as usual with our devo's and breakfast then into the paper work. We had to prepare more info packs for our trip to Edmonton this afternoon and I had to deliver a bunch to local businesses today yet before we left. The van was ready at Darv's auto body and very well done might I say so we arranged for James to pick it up on the way home. Once we were done dealing with getting enough food for the guys at home, we packed up, loaded and we were out of here by 5:05. Not bad since we had hoped to be gone by 5:00. Our trip into the city went very fast as we spent the time going over the folders and making sure we had everything in order. Then Diane and I studied up on the different street drugs that are out there today and the dangers that it is causing so many of our youth today. It's hard for us to imagine the struggles people go through as they attempt to battle their addictions, when they can see the damage it's doing to those around them. The book talks about many other addictions that many everyday people deal with and how they justify them to make it seem ok. Just as we used to do. We as adults need to look at the example we are displaying to those around us, we find all kinds of faults in others but when was the last time we took an honest look at ourselves and the everyday addictions in our lives. Diane and I are very blessed and work together as a team. When it's tme to do our exersizes and I put it off she will encourage me and together we get it done, and we feel all the better for it. Or if we need to get a bunch of crosses ready and Diane has a pile of dishes to do then we work together to get them both done. We worked as a team to raise our family and it's great to see that passed on to the next generation. I have been blessed with the greatest wife anyone could have and right now we have a lot on our plate, but God is so good and he pours into us so we can in turn pour out to each other and those around us. I'm sitting here finishing up this blog as Diane is sound asleep after we did our exercises, had some supper and then went for a swim. Life is good, but then it's what we make of the blessings God puts into our lives and how we share them with those around us. Another example is when our television broke down once and so we decided not to replace it. Wow now it's been about 18 years since then and we have not been hooked up to any stations or satelite systems. We do have an old TV to watch movies on once in a while but getting rid of that wedge in our marriage and family was one of the best things we could have done for our marriage. So I encourage you guys to take a look at your marriage and if it needs a boost take a night or two or three a week and turn the piece of crap off, it's sucking the life out of you and your home, woow sorry about that I got a bit carried away. You know I can't count the number of men I've heard say to me, "I don't know where I went wrong. I would do anything to get her back and to make it work." I read a report once that stated, men spend on average of only 30 seconds of one on one time with their children a day. They spend on average 3 minutes a day of one on one time with their wives but most men spend on average of 3 hours of one on one time with the TV set every day. The worst part of that senerio is that we learn to live our lives by whoever we are spending time with the most. So tomorrow shut off the boob tube and spend the time with her, you might want to make sure you have a phone ready to dial 911 as she may fall over and pass out or have a heart attack but it is worth the effort and believe me, she's worth it. Or prove me wrong!!!!!!!

Ephesians 5:25
"Husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her."

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog , Have a great day and may God bless you today in your travels!
