Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday's trivia

Talk about favour! This morning I called Tim, the great Toolman as he had some equipment to bless the ranch with and he explained that I would need about 5 guys to help lift this stuff onto our trailer. So I made a few calls and in short order we had more than enough help to do the job.
Our good friend Larry has a new job that will help him get caught up on his expenses, and his new boss says that whenever I need him he can still help with the ranch.
Headed out to the county office this afternoon for another meeting with Glenda about the land development and roadways at the ranch. Then on the way back to town I stopped in at Action Towing and had a great visit with Jon and his wife and showed them the plan and details about the ranch project, they seemed genuinely interested and will look at the materials.
Got back to town in time to pick up a few supplies to get some munchies ready for the guys and then head to the Presbyterian Church by 7:00 pm to give them a presentation on the Battle River Ranch Project. The board was there and we were very well received and they are glad to be informed on this project as they also agree and see the need for this type of facility. Diane is with a younger man this evening, our new grandson, Kade and so our good friend Barry accompanied me to the meeting. I remember back in about August of 1978, one evening I mentioned to Diane that I was bored and to my knowledge that was the last time I ever said that. We don't need to be bored or at a loss as to how we can make a difference in people's lives, if God is filling us and we seek to do his will. Several things happen to us and we have purpose, and that is that we are always looking out for the best in others cause that is what Jesus did. And to respect the choices others make even if we don't understand them, but to stand by them and love them with Godly love through it. As we started our meeting at the Presbyterian Church a gentleman that was present at the meeting commented on the fact that he was a police Chaplin and I shared with him I also have trained as a Chaplin and how many people think that a pastor, or priest and a Chaplin are the same, but we both agreed that what is so unique about a Chaplin is that we need to be understanding, caring and to be able to show compassion to someone in need without an agenda. He talked about how so many seems to think they need to have an agenda or steer people in a direction to help them or keep them on track. When all we need to do is stand by those in need and with true Godly love as in the Bible, then God will do what needs to be done as is His way. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Barry and I were both blessed by the wisdom of those folks tonight as they shared with us. The Presbyterian Church is an old denomination and we really sensed the reverence of being in the house of God.

Romans 2:1 "You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgement do the same things."

Q.. Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible?
A. Samson. He brought the house down.


  1. Hey, I've never seen Blaine's office before. Nice desktop picture. :o)

    There's never a dull moment when you're following the two greatest commandments is there? Love God, love others, and 'life abundantly' seems to take care of itself.

    Love you guys.

  2. Sounds like all is well and you're surviving without me.
    Thanks Tim the Toolman for all the blessings!
    God is so good, thank you Lord
    Harold you are the best! Miss you so much!
    Have a great day. Love you forever! Congrats Larry on the new job, sounds like you have a great boss!
