Sunday, March 14, 2010


Several years ago we were in Regina on our bike and as we rode by a garage sale we had to stop cause as usual, something caught my eye. After finding a safe place to park the big old Harley we walked over to the garage sale. I had my nephew on with me and he had no problem stopping to take a look. Once we got over to the sale I spotted it and picked it up, she was a beauty and of course I had to have it. The lady that owned everything there said that it was brand new and that she had bought it for her husband but he had never used it. Well after the customary bickering we were heading down the road with a banjo with us. Diane of course had the obvious question, "what are you going to do with a banjo and second how are you going to get it home?" I had no idea what the answer would be to either question. But it so happened that Diane's cousin donated a car to help at the ranch and so Diane had to drive a car back home and a banjo. Well that banjo has sat tucked away ever since.
This evening at the Sunday evening service, Clayton a good friend came and stood with us, he is a guy that has blessed the ranch over and over again. Well, as we were in the service Clayton says to me, "Harold have you any Idea were I can get a banjo, I want to learn to play one."
Then at the morning service Dorothy came over to us and said to us that God had been putting it on her heart lately to pray for the ranch and that when she was in the store she bought a huge jug of peanut butter and not sure why. So when we asked her if she would help with snacks for the workers at the ranch she now knew why she had bought that huge jar of peanut butter.
God will use us if we let him, before we even understand what He is going to do with what He's asked us to do. How cool is that?
Melissa says that the first of our horses may show up soon, so we need to do a bit of fencing and set up the watering troughs. It is taking shape and coming to life right before our eyes. P.T.L.
Diane and I have meetings with business people in Edmonton this week and we are picking up Caleb from the airport as he is coming to stay with us and find a job. Also Blaine and Rita are going to be busy with lawyers this week, so please keep us in your prayers as we start another week of Ranching at the Battle River Ranch Camp. We are all blessed and Highly favored and don't we know it!
Proverbs 3:5&6
"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will make your paths straight."

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