Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday Report

Have you ever took some time and thought about the circle of influence that we have? That circle of influence can possibly be as close as and as obvious as our:
1.) Home and family
2.) Neighbours and friends
3.) Workplace and fellow workers
4.) Community and organizations
These four are all area's of influence that each and everyone of us has the opportunity to display our character before, each and every day. So what does the world that we live in see when we live out our convictions before them? We will all reflect our convictions and character to the world that we live in the minute we get out of bed every morning, whether we like it or not and often even before we get out of bed. I had a wise old friend once tell me that a tree can look strong and healthy but it's the fruit that tells no lies. It's also so easy for me to pick apart someone else's life or question their motives or seek fault in their lives or ministry and loose complete sight of my own backyard, and God knows it needs a lot of work. So everyday we pray that we will be encourager's and not discouragers, it's all about the attitude that we choose to pass on to our circle of influence every day. As followers and believers in our loving and gracious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we have the best option and no excuse but to live out the hope that the world around us needs to see.
Diane and I have had a whirlwind of a few days but what a lot of opportunities to live out our convictions. Today we first of all picked up fine a young man at the Edmonton Airport by the name of Caleb, he has chosen to come to Lloydminster and move in with us and is seeking to move ahead with his life in a positive way. So if anyone of you know of a good job for a strong 18 year old young man, give us a call. We then got to meet up with Jesse, his friends and family that drove and flew into Edmonton to be with him as he dealt with some appointments today. The afternoon was great and it was so good to be where God needed us to be today. Please continue to pray for Jesse as he deals with his condition trusting God day by day. The past few days have been such a blessing for Jesse as the world that he ministered to for so long has now done exactly what Jesus has taught His people, and that is to care for his needs in every way humanly possible. God is so good and his love is being poured out by those that love Him and Jesse.

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