Friday, October 9, 2009

Fridays' Frenzy

It's great to have Victory home for the weekend as we will be celebrating her 17 th birthday. Diane has never failed to make every birthday as special as possible for everyone involved around here, not only her family.
On our dining room wall is written" Home is where our story begins" and that's where every one's story begins. Some good and some not so good, some of us home was an older style home while others started out in an apartment, mobile home or maybe a mansion, but I don't think it matters what kind of home we started out in but what kind of a life we started out in. As I have had the opportunity to have spoken in a drug and alcohol detox center for many years, the most common remark that was shared with me was, "I wish I'd have had parents that would have directed and disciplined me." Each and every human being must have three key elements to survive (other than food and water) and we will seek wherever we
need to, to find these three key elements, because the human being, is a spiritual being whether we believe it or not, we are, and we cannot survive without these three elements. Very often one or more or sometimes none of these elements are found in the home that our stories begin in, and in desperation we begin, and ve
ry often innocently at first but in time more aggressively. In desperation if they are not found, we will find what is
needed for us to survive and we will do anything and often become the most unthinkable person imaginable. The three key elements that every human being needs to survive are. #1 LOVE #2 ACCEPTANCE #3 SECURITY . Without these three elements poured into our lives at home by our parents or guardians we will seek for them elsewhere. I believe these are also what keep a marriage strong and together for a life time. At the ranch we will have a team of leaders and instructors that understand the importance of mentoring and teaching to help a generation that is desperate to see some kind of hope for them and their future. Many of us know of a generation of people who were deprived of being raised by their own parents and today struggle to raise their own families. I believe we are seeing another generation that will have very little direction and discipline in order to build the families of tomorrow. Miracle of the day, Ben, who has been with us for almost a year now and in that time has worked in
the cross shop countless hours today wrapped 10 and more crosses all on his own and they are not easy to wrap. The look in Bens eyes when he came to Diane who is the ultimate inspector and she gave him the thumbs up and a lot of encouragement for his determination and a job very well done. The second miracle is that I got all of the filing done for the ranch development P.T.L. Be encouraged that we may not be able to chan
ge the past, but wow with our obedience to God we can be part of the miracle for the future generation. Good night and lay your head in the arms of JESUS He is waiting for you.

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