Thursday, October 29, 2009

Friday's Frenzy

, Team -- a number of persons associated together in work or activity, a group on one side. That's what the dictionary tells us about the word" team" and I know that if this ranch team were not a great example of a team working together all of this would be impossible to accomplish. I have had two people talk to me today and they have told me how they are so amazed at the progress the ranch is making and the definite need for this place. So we need to place every decision before God and move ahead in his direction, provision and timing. Because as in our own lives every decision we make will have a consequence, every action we take will have a reaction, and even the smallest choice we make can have an impact even a world away. Today we were asked to speak at a Christmas function about what has happened in our lives from Drinkers and Dopers to Evangelist and missionaries. It's an odd situation when you leave the old lifestyle and your friends from the past can't figure you. Only those who have also chosen to give God a chance and embraced his forgiveness and new life for themselves know the peace and freedom that comes from embracing Jesus and his forgiveness for your past. Then there is the new life that you move into, and when you come from the type of background Diane and I lived in, I can see why it would be so hard for non believers to choose the church as their new way of life. We just don't fit in too easily. So if we do it for any other reason other than Jesus - a guy that was rejected by every church in town, and what He did for us on that cross, the amount of love He had for each and every one of us including those church people that were so uncomfortable with Him that they had Him nailed to an old rugged cross, called Him every name imaginable, made up the worst lies about him so they could feel better about themselves, beat Him, spat on Him and all He wanted was to tell them about how much The God of the universe, our God, our Creator our future and the only HOPE for any one of us. After sharing to themselves about the freedom they had found in their lives, and while sitting in a restaurant were several locals heard them Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper said in the movie Easy Rider, after they were beaten with clubs and bats while they were sleeping that night in a park, " man you got to be careful who you let hear that you have found freedom" even though they had found a false freedom and it led to death, many don't want to know that you have found freedom. Wheather we accept it or not we are either a slave to the devil and his lies, or we can follow Jesus who loves and cares for us so much, no matter what we've done or will do, if we just ask He will forgive us of whatever. Give God a chance, go to that old rugged cross and leave it all right there at the foot of the cross. Now get up and move around to the other side of the cross where the light is and the HOPE and the real FREEDOM and you will never have to go back. hmm Choices eh?? Read the story about a guy that made this choice in Luke 23:32 - 43 may help your choose.

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