Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday's CMA super service

It's always great to be in church on Sundays especially when it's full of bikers and to top it off we had communion. Diane and I got to sit beside a single mom and her lovely daughter, they were having such a great time and we were glad that they were able to join us. We had Henry play guitar and sing a few songs. I had 15 min. to share about the ranch at the service and what a blessing that was. The main speaker James Rossa with the Victory riders a CMAer from Man. and a pastor shared about his life before he became a Christian and than like Paul on the road to Damascus he heard God talk to him and when he stopped at the church that he grew up in and asked the reverand what it meant all the reverand could say that he could recomend him to a councellor. But Jim felt there was more to it because it was so real till a pastor told him that God was getting his attention now what are you going to do about it. and right there and than he gave his life to Jesus and never turned back.P.T.L.

We have had some discussions lately with different folks about drinking a bit of wine or a beer or two and today we heard stories of people who were strong Christians with great ministries and doing so much for the Lord and than choosing to have a few drinks to fit in. And today they have lost everything they had and I can't get over why any one would risk their lives and especially their children for one drink because one drink is never enough.There is so much life to live and so much fun to have each and every one of us from the minute we allow Jesus to be Lord of our lives we are a beacon of light in this dark world, not just a little candle but a beacon of light so bright no darkness can overcome it unless we choose to shut it off or hide it under a bushel or a basket. Time to get some rest God has blessed us all. LETS SHINE!!!!!!!!

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