Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mystery Man

.......He proceeded to sit down then he told me he needed a job to stay in Canada and that if I could give him a job no matter what it was or what the pay was, he guaranteed me that he would do more for me than anyone I had ever had work for me before.  After a bit of talking we stepped out of my office to where our secretary was working and as I was showing him around our shop we walked by more of our employees in the parts area and then out to our rear shop area and then past everyone again and out the front door to where his old car was parked.  He said to me as he opened the door to his car, "is it OK if I start work next Monday?"  I said to him, "I guess so, but I sure could use some help with my cash flow this week," and then he said as he shook my hand, "if you need the money it will be there," and he got into his car and drove away.  By the end of that week my cash flow had picked up to where for the first time in months I was able to make all my payments and meet payroll on time.  Monday of the following week the new guy didn't show up and on Tuesday when I hadn't heard from him I went over to our secretary and asked her if she'd seen or heard from the new guy that was here last week and was going to help us out?  She said, "Harold, I didn't see anyone here with you last week like that."  I then went over to our parts people and asked them and they told me the same, they didn't remember seeing any one at the shop like that last week.  I went back to my office, closed the door and sat down at my desk and I only then realized that somehow after all other options had failed and I was willing to cry out to God with a few simple words, that he cared enough about me to send someone to get me through that week.  About a month later on August 3, 1983  I was once again sitting in my office about 7:00 pm when in walks.......

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